LS program, MoQ catechism.

From: Clark (
Date: Sat Mar 20 1999 - 04:12:44 GMT

Diana and squad,
  We have been studying both Zen and Lila for quite some time now and
Pirsig put in quite a few years of his life attempting to lay out and
explain his ideas to us so I think a 45 minute presentation that will make
the MoQ clear to someone who has never heard of it before is impossible.
  In my opinion a far better approach is just what Mary did. She attempted
to explain where we had come from in the past and gave a detailed enough
presentation on the MoQ to awaken curiousity in her listeners in the 45
minutes she had available to her. We now have about a dozen people who
will possibly have enough interest to pursue the material on their own. If
Mary presents similar material to her entire church then we will have a
hundred to a hundred and fifty people who will have heard of the MoQ and
possibly have enough interest to pursue it. A hundred people reading Zen
and Lila on their own is better than having that same hundred people being
led by the nose through detailed arguments about the levels and DQ and SQ.
We cannot even agree among ourselves about the details. For instance, I
think that most of the opinions I see expressed on the squad regarding
Dynamic Quality and the Quality Event is entirely wrong. As I see it this
is not a philosophy that can be capsulized and presented whole. I believe
it is something that each one of us will have to live with and gradually
come to fit it into our lives. Ken

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