Re: LS The Choice: Dynamic/Cooperative Power or Static/Competitive Power?

From: Carmen Flynn (
Date: Wed Apr 14 1999 - 13:08:48 BST

Dear all,
[note: this e-mail has been written mostly to answer Kevin Sanchez's last e-mail.
         But, I beg to all who cares to answer, to give me a feedback. If prefer,
        do so directly to '' ]

Carmen: Let me begin once more with this month's topic quotation to help myself not to
get too far off and wonder too much out of the subject:
    "H.N.Brailsford has said "the crude issue of power... is always the
last of the realities that sensitive and reasonable men can bring
themselves to face".
What, if anything, does the Metaphysics of Quality have to say about
the realities of power. "

And.........., since I am one of the most sensitive (....and reasonable, still working
on it, so please hold on ...) person, anyone will ever meet, sometimes to my own
dispair....this 'sensitive person', me myself, these huge conglomerate of cell,
energy, and the product of millions of year of evolution (up's, I almost wrote
'devolution'. How is that for a Freudian's slip)....feels that she has something to
say in order to avoid being misunderstood. So here I start:
1.-"What, if anything, does the Metaphysics of Quality have to say about
the realities of power."

It was beautifully quoted on one of the postings by Roger from Mr. Pirsig's Lila, and
it goes like this:
    ""Now, what does Pirsig say about power? On page 170 of my shiny new and
improved teal paperback version, the master speaks:

"Sometimes a Dynamic increment goes forward but can find no latching
mechanism and so fails and so slips back to a previous latched position whole
species and cultures get lost this way. Sometimes a static pattern becomes so
POWERFUL it prohibits any Dynamic moves forward. In both cases the
evolutionary process is halted for a while. But when it's not halted the
result has been an increase in POWER to control hostile forces or an increase
in versatility or both. The increase in versatility is directed toward DQ.
The increase in POWER to control hostile forces is directed toward static
quality. Without DQ the organism can't grow. Without sq the organism cannot
last. Both are needed." [emphasis added]""
Carmen: A lot of arguments have come up, which keep on touching a very sensitive nerve
on all of us LS. That is very positive because it is the Dynamic Quality of this
little's e-mails and it goes embedded with this monthly exersise. I love to see that
Dynamic Quality, all the e-mails look to me similar to a 4th of July firework's show.
We go up in smoke and explode and I am sure a lot of us just go and say...'That's it,
that does it, I am out of that stupid LS group. They don't know or don't understand
Quality the way "The Master, Mr. Pirsig" explained. They are all a bunch of
sentimental wimps, I had it'...........
        ..........Doesn't that look like FIREWORKS to you........
Then, you cool off and go off. You start to think again on what so and so just wrote,
and some of us even make a print to read it on the Subway, Bus, or the exersise Bike.
(That is if you didn't cut it in a thousand pieces in an outburst of anger about some
silly comment.) I am sure a few of you could identify themselves here....
2.- The MOQ has given us a tool that has Dual function. It works the same way that
'Lights' works( according to the Wave Theory). It can be a wave and it can be a
particle. The dual function of the MOQ is
    a) It is a Data Finder (Behaves as a particle)
    b) It is a Data analyzer (Behaves as a wave)
    c) It gives the 'observer', the subject, the option to act or not to act. You are
pool by 'your bootstraps'.
And...when Carmen Flynn wrote 'SO BE IT'; she chose option C....and when Carmen Flynn
wrote a reply to refute the idea that "War was morally good...or something horrible
like that"...she reply...
        'NEVER', no sir not, no never ever; she chose option B.
The MOQ tell me that to use POWER for a massive destruction of Biological and
Inorganic Value Patterns is MORALLY WRONG. It done not tell me, if it is GOOD or BAD.
And my fellow friends there is a BIG, BIG difference. As Big as that awful Hiroshima
BOMB that destroys thousands of Human Life's. As big as that awful moment in history
when the white europeans met with the Native people of the Americas.
The MOQ tell us:
  { 'What is needed is Freedom from static patterns using the latch factor to get
enough POWER (capacity to do the needed work) to get a Quantum leap to go to a higher
level of DYNAMIC QUALITY...without (and please pay attention here, pretend you here me
shouting off the top of my lungs...)...without necessarily the DESTRUCTION of the

3.- "SO BE IT". This phrase is not a shoulder struggle or a 'who cares attitude'.
When I say SO BE IT (picture this)... my hands are over my face, my eyes closed, my
whole being is in terrible pain. It is a lost of power. It is a 'out of GUMPTION'
4.- HOWEVER. Not all is lost. The MOQ tell me that there is plenty of Power to go
around to reach Quantum Leaps to higher levels of Quality.

Have a great week everyone,

MOQ Online -

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