Re: MD Art and The MOQ

From: Avid Anand (
Date: Wed Sep 01 1999 - 02:19:18 BST

+AD4- +AJM-How simple it was. That+AJI-s the mark of a high quality theory.+AJQ-
What do you think about quantum mechanics? The theory of relativity? Are
they simple? Are they great theories? What is simple about them, the
understanding, or the usage after understanding?
+AD4- May your art theory eventually attain the mark of high quality so we
+AD4- +AJM-stupid+AJQ- ones can get at least a glimmer of its meaning. Until then,
+AD4- there+AJI-s no point in trying to answer your questions.
Why don't you help me in this process, If my theory attains high quality, it
will make MoQ more explainable and clear for all, then you can device easier
way to teach it, It serves us all. The more +ACI-glimmers of its meaning you can
get the better +AFs-the glimmers come from hammering on it with sharp
criticism+AF0-, you are invited. To pass on such an offer because you feel I
called you stupid +AFs-which I didn't+AF0-, is stupid +AFs-as an act+AF0- and to think that
you are labeled stupid because of stupid activities of yours, is MoQ wise
incorrect, so please reconsider your last conclusion.
and don't forget to be gentle
icq 6598359

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