Re: MD Sophocles not Socrates

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 08:20:33 GMT

  • Next message: Monkeys' tail or: "RE: MD Has Quality been divided? / Pantheism"

    Hi Scott,

    I think we are in substantial agreement: I particularly agree that the
    understanding of intellect (or Reason) has been impoverished since the early
    modern period, especially since Locke.

    However, I'm intrigued by your proposed shift, viz: you are"concerned with
    what I consider to be the basic work of philosophy, namely *changing* the
    way we understand key words".

    That's a very anti-Wittgensteinian approach (which doesn't make it wrong, of
    course). He would argue that bringing philosophy into everyday language is
    the source of all our confusions; that the words are working fine just as
    they are (until the philosophers start talking); and that, if we want to
    ease our confusions, what we need is to examine how words are used in their
    everyday context, and that will ease our troubles. To use his image, it will
    'show the fly the way out of the fly bottle', and stop us being worried by
    its buzzing.

    How would you understand the fourth level?


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