The Metaphysics of Quality Mailing List
By Subject
18587 messages sorted by:
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About this archive
Starting: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 00:11:05 GMT
Ending: Wed Dec 07 2005 - 17:43:25 GMT
- 'unmediated experience'
- 'unmediated experience' #1
- 'unmediated experience' #2
- (no subject)
- 501 Syntax error in parameters scanning "TO"
- <5664ddff?$??§2>
- <Automailer>
- <null>
- [MD] [MD} MD 4th level - The more autonomous level
- [MD] Here we go then!
- [MD] MD 4th level - The more autonomous level
- [MD] MD 4th level - The more autonomous level.
- [MD] MD Chaos and its role in Evolution
- [MD] MD Looking for the Primary Difference
- [MD] MD On Time?
- [MD] MD Quality as a Possibility Field
- [MD] MD Quality, DQ and SQ
- [MD] Platt and Arlo
- [MD] Platt and Arlo: Individuals and Collectives Redux
- [MD] Random Thoughts on Truth
- [MD] Societies & Collectives
- [MD] Suspending disbelief
- [MD] test
- [MF] the way forward for MoQ discussion lists
- A Question about Correspondence Theory
- Access to Quality
- Anthony asks What are Values?
- Anti-Theism (was MD Is Morality Relative?)
- Antiessentialism/essentialism
- Attention all forum posters
- be mad?
- BoMOQ: An expansion of ego
- British Smokers Fight Back!
- d: what an offer
- d; car safety
- Delivery Failed
- did you see her already?
- DMB and Me (or, a Typology of the MD), Part I (A)
- DMB and Me (or, a Typology of the MD), Part I (B)
- DMB and Me (or, a Typology of the MD), Part II
- DMB and Me (or, a Typology of the MD), Part III (A)
- DMB and Me (or, a Typology of the MD), Part III (B)
- DMB and Me (or, a Typology of the MD), Part Post 'em Depressi on
- Do we all need philosophy?
- do you think so?
- does it?
- Don't let me be misunderstood.
- Don`t worry, be happy!
- DQ as spirituality? / Q as God? (was: MD Worlds Worst Kept Secret)
- Dynamic Interpretation
- Dynamic Quality..... SOM vs Indians.....
- Faith, Pirsig on war & Rorty
- fake?
- Fractal metaphysics
- Free Will
- Fun in Manhattan?
- FWD: great news
- Fwd: MD "biological" crime
- Fwd: MD (no subject)
- Fwd: MD Access to Quality
- Fwd: MD Tinnitus
- Gavin Gee-Clough
- good morning
- Gouranga
- hello
- Here is it
- Hi
- home tests
- Horror and ever Rising Gas Prices?
- I Am The Fox's Parrot
- I don't know your document!
- I'm back!
- Ian don't give up, please!
- important
- info
- information
- Is MD a Black Hole?
- Is Morality relative?
- Is representation less or more rich than reality?
- is that your account?
- Joseph Campbell & Tarnas
- Kantosphere >> Pirsig 1993 Lecture ?
- last chance!
- Legal actions [was MD Quality takes a hit]
- Love and hate in the MOQ
- Love plus Freedom equals Trust
- Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
- MargerineDiagram. not your Partition Palitic, L234abels and Distract)
- MattEE : Nifty move.)
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer!
- MD "biological" crime
- MD "Children's eyes - children's mouths"
- MD "Damn! This Is GOOD!"
- MD "Dynamicness"
- MD "Good is a noun."
- MD "Is there anything out there?"
- MD "Is there anything out there?")
- MD "It"
- MD "linear causality"
- MD "metaphysics" means..?
- MD "Mystical Experience" and static interpretations
- MD "Mystical Experience" and static interpretations.
- MD "Patriotism" (was Chomsky)
- MD "Practical" application
- MD "practical" means what?
- MD "Progressive" conservative ideas (today's oxymoron)
- MD "Qaulity in Freshman Writing"
- MD 'Self' 'Ego'
- MD 'unmediated experience'
- MD (ayurvedic) diet and lifestyle poll
- MD (ayurvedic) diet and lifestyle poll - the point (honest, there is one)
- MD (Erin is it.) Focus forum - round two
- MD (no subject)
- MD (Patrick is it.) Focus forum - round three
- MD (Wim is it.) Focus forum - round four
- MD -- Teaching Quality
- MD 1 and 0
- MD 10 statements: (for Wim on the degeneracy issue)
- MD 101 One-Liners
- MD 1967 or 1968 ?
- MD 2005: a new view - maybe
- MD 30th Anniversary ZMM Rides
- MD 4th level - The more autonomous level.
- MD 9/11 Iraq Tsunami
- MD 9/11, Iraq, Tsunami
- MD ?
- MD A bet with David Harding
- MD A bit of reasoning
- MD A bit of reasoning (correction)
- MD A bit of reasoning (correction) - Meme
- MD A bit of reasoning - Bye Folks
- MD A book for the post-SOM enlighhtened
- MD A Brief Proposal for a 5th Level
- MD A Christian interpretation of the MOQ
- MD A conflict of values
- MD A Cry For Zen
- MD A dog's life
- MD A Joe Campbell Connection
- MD A Jung at Heart Quotation
- MD A little bit of Logic
- MD A little more on evolution
- MD A little philosophology ?
- MD a little thing...
- MD a little value choice
- MD A Man of Values
- MD A Metaphysician's Lament
- MD A metaphysics
- MD A metaphysics - Bootstrapping
- MD A metaphysics - Originality
- MD A metaphysics--Resignation
- MD A Modern Brujo
- MD A Moment of Civility
- MD a new **real** cause of colds --Russian ice!
- MD A New Generation is at Hand
- MD A new stupid pill
- MD a nihilist
- MD a query about Lila
- MD A question about beauty
- MD A question for the MoQ Discussion
- MD A Question of Balance / Rules of the Game
- MD A reminder
- MD a small comprehension doubt
- MD A world of signs? MOQ science?
- MD Ability to respond to DQ/Success
- MD Ability to respond to DQ/Success is UNEQUAL by Race
- MD About Quality.
- MD Abridged.
- MD Absolute Ground Zero
- MD Absolute Quality between ZMM and Lila
- MD Absolutely objective
- MD Absolutely objective (Oops, wrong link)
- MD absolutely one more thing
- MD Absolutes and Generalities
- MD acausal
- MD acausal (for Glenn)
- MD acausal/ psuedo-science / wonder
- MD Access to Quality
- MD Actual and inactual, DQ and time
- MD Additional Maslow Link
- MD again and again and again...
- MD Agreeing To Disagree
- MD AHP93 Tape
- MD all of society's ills
- MD Amazed
- MD Amazed - by Time
- MD American/Indian culture and Edwards
- MD An atheistic system?
- MD An MOQ interpretation of christianity
- MD An MOQ review of I Heart Huckabees
- MD And now for something not very different at all
- MD And on the other channel....
- MD and the LIE DETECTOR test
- MD Anthony asks What are Values?
- MD Anti-theism in the MOQ
- MD Any help
- MD archives
- MD are genes biological patterns of value?
- MD Are there any other MoQ's around?
- MD aristotelian logic
- MD Art
- MD art and money
- MD Art and the MOQ
- MD Artificial Intelligence
- MD Artistic creations of the intellect
- MD Artistic creations of the intellect.
- MD ascent of man
- MD Attention all forum posters
- MD Attitude About Reality
- MD audio site
- MD Automatic or standard transmission?
- MD Awareness and intuition.
- MD Awareness and Quality
- Md Awareness as Quality
- MD awareness hierarchy?
- MD Ayn Rand
- MD Ayn Rand's Objectivism.
- MD Bach's Illusions (An illuminating Parable)
- MD Bacon quote
- MD Barack Obama - Politics and Values.
- MD Barfield
- MD Barfield and the history of consciousness
- MD Barfield is Wrong
- MD Barfield or Garfield?
- MD Barfield's version of the third and fourth levels
- MD bats and sonar
- MD Battle of Values
- MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi
- MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part II
- MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III
- MD Beyond
- MD Beyond Liberalism?
- MD Biocosm
- MD Biographcal Detail
- MD Biographical Detail
- MD Biographical landscapes
- MD Biographical Timeline
- MD Biological - Terrorism?
- MD Blink
- MD Bo's Incompleteness Theorem
- MD Bo's intellectual mess
- MD Bo's Metaphysics.
- MD Bodvar Skutvick
- MD Bolstering Bo's SOL
- MD Bolstering Bo's SOL - Part A
- MD Bolstering Bo's SOL - Part B
- MD BoMOQ: An expansion of ego
- MD Bon Mots
- MD Book: Blink:...
- MD Bootstrapping
- MD Bowling for Columbine
- MD Bozeman?
- MD brain/antenna
- MD brujos
- MD Buddhism and the MOQ
- MD Buddhism and the MOQ (Was Sit on my faith)
- MD bullshit
- MD Bunzel's Zuni Brujo
- MD Burden of Proof
- MD business MOQ NLP
- MD bye for now - unsubscribe moq_discuss
- MD C-SPAN - Washington Journal
- MD Calling all atheists
- MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?
- MD Capitalism -vs- the Noble savage
- MD Capture of a Tyrant
- MD categorising the mental
- MD Catholic/Protestant
- MD Cats
- MD caveat
- MD Celebrity
- MD Celebrity.
- MD Certainty - was Is Morality relative?
- MD Chance and natural selection
- MD Changes
- MD Chaos and its role in Evolution
- MD Chapter 24
- MD chat
- MD Children and violence
- MD Chomsky
- MD Christianity v. Islam (v. Whatever)
- MD Christiantiy vs. Philosophy
- MD Christopher Reeve
- MD Church/state separation
- MD Classification?
- MD Clear and Present Danger (was Conflict)
- MD Clearing up Bo's intellectual mess, part I
- MD Clearing up Bo's intellectual mess, Part II
- MD Clearing up Bo's intellectual mess, Part III
- MD Clearing up this intellectual mess
- MD Code of Art
- MD Code of Art - Levels
- MD coherence
- MD Coherence and A.I.
- MD Coherence and audio-visual arts
- MD Coherence and Coy Carp.
- MD Coherence and fly fishing. I
- MD Coherence and fly fishing. II
- MD Coherence and free-enterprise.
- MD Coherence and groove. I
- MD Coherence and groove. II
- MD Coherence and Haptics.
- MD Coherence and Humour. I
- MD Coherence and Humour. II
- MD Coherence and Just Intonation.
- MD Coherence and MOQ levels. part 1
- MD Coherence and MOQ levels. part 2
- MD Coherence and mystic drumming.
- MD Coherence and rhetoric.
- MD Coherence and sailing II.
- MD Coherence and sailing.
- MD Coherence and Satori. I
- MD Coherence and Satori. II
- MD Coherence and Satori. IIa
- MD Coherence and Satori. IIb
- MD Coherence and Swords.
- MD Coherence and the situationsists.
- MD Coherence in Bungi jumping.
- MD Colfax Avenue ?
- MD Collective Consciousness
- MD Coming of Age in Samoa
- MD conference
- MD Conflict
- MD Conflict and Discretion
- MD conflicts: real, imagined and forgotten.
- MD confused and trying
- MD confused; take action
- MD Confusion or disagreement?
- MD Conscious or Mechanical
- MD Consciousness & DQ & collapse of the wave function
- MD Consciousness redescribed. Part 1
- MD Consciousness/MOQ, definition of
- MD Contextaholics Anonymous
- MD Continuing Absurd Dichotomizations
- MD Contradiction?
- MD Contradiction? "Mystical Experience"
- MD Contradictions
- MD Cooperation, Profit and Some Thoughts
- MD Copleston Annotations
- MD cosmology (split from religious content)
- MD COSMOTHEISM and Chapter 24 of Lila
- MD cosmotheism and objectivism
- MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers
- MD Cosmotheism: Questions and Answers- for the Record
- MD Covert Propaganda
- MD Creation
- MD Creative Quality (esoteric version)
- MD creativity and intellect
- MD Creativity and Philosophology, 1
- MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2
- MD Cultural Immune System
- MD cultural level??
- MD cultural level?? (dutch)
- MD culture and basics
- MD Cultures in conflict
- MD Cybernetics and sq evolution - good
- MD Cybernetics and sq evolution - morality
- MD Cybernetics and sq evolution - Secondary ontology as harmony.
- MD Darwin by Cziko
- MD Darwinisn in dispute ?
- MD date of homo sapiens
- MD Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 23:22:15 +0100
- MD Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:08:00 -0700
- MD Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:44:22 -0000
- MD David Bowie a Sophist?
- MD David Deutsch's Fabric of Reality
- MD Dead is dead ?
- MD Dealing with Matt: A Primer
- MD Dealing with S/O
- MD Dealing with S/O pt 1
- MD Dealing with S/O pt 1 (plus Forward to Zen Environment)
- MD Dealing with S/O pt 2
- MD Dealing with Squonk
- MD Dealing with the MOQ
- MD Death and the MOQ
- MD Death of god
- MD Debating Intellect MoQ-Wise
- MD Debating Intellect MoQ-Wise (Was Rhetoric)
- MD Defining the mythos
- MD Definition of 'liberal'
- MD Democracy in Iraq
- MD Democracy in the MOQ
- MD describing the DQ between the SQ
- MD Design and Science
- MD Deterring Democracy.
- MD development and the levels
- MD Did Pirsig flip-flop on equality?
- MD Digitised Lila
- MD Digitized LILA (Please Read)
- MD Disappointed
- MD Disappointed (Horse)
- MD Disastrously naive indeed!
- MD Discuss Metaphysics of Value
- MD Dishonesty
- MD distinguishing 3rd and 4th level
- MD Diversity
- MD Diversity and Coherence.
- MD Diversity Part 2 - Coherence -
- MD DM signing off
- MD DM So who's the philosopher questioning SOM?
- MD Do we all need philosophy
- MD Do we all need philosophy?
- MD Does Logical inference require S/O?
- MD Does Neuroscience Support the MOQ?
- MD Does she or not?
- MD Don't Bash Founding Fathers
- MD dot-communism
- MD dotcom LSD fog
- MD Double-think
- MD Douglas Adams - now you're talking
- MD Douglas Adams, usenet, and a prospect
- MD DQ & emergence
- MD DQ & emergence & consciouness
- MD DQ & Heidegger
- MD DQ & Naturalism
- MD DQ & SQ patterns, is everything dynamically active conscious?
- MD DQ and Degeneracy - Which is which?
- MD DQ and DM's thesis of the '4 -realms of SQ'
- MD DQ people
- MD DQ/SQ tension
- MD DQ/SQ tension in government
- MD DQ/SQ, myticism and the organic conception of nature
- MD DQ=SQ tension
- MD Dr Robert Harris
- MD Drawn to excellence
- MD driving force in human affairs
- MD dropping the god(less)
- MD Dutch referendum on European constitution
- MD Duty to Oneself Only? Or Others?
- MD dynamic Church?
- MD Dynamic Quality.
- MD Dynamic Quality..... SOM vs Indians.....
- MD Dynamic/static morality
- MD Eckhart Tolle
- MD economics of want and greed
- MD economics of want and greed 2
- MD economics of want and greed 3
- MD economics of want and greed 4
- MD economics of want and greed 5
- MD economics of want and greed 6
- MD economics of want and greed 7 (end)
- MD economics of want and greed, summary
- MD Edwards on Free Will
- MD Emotions and subjectivity
- MD Empiricism
- MD Empiricism and its limitations
- MD Enlightenment or Revelation
- MD Enriched by Quality
- MD entropy and complexity
- MD Epigrams on Quality
- MD Erin's skit
- MD Ernst Mayr
- MD Essentialist and anti-essentialist
- MD Ethics
- MD Europe vs USA
- MD Event and level hierarchies opposite?
- MD Event and level hierarchies opposite? (the hot stove)
- MD everything-is-connected-to-everything
- MD Evil & Buddhism, or Politics & Buddhism
- MD Evil & Buddhism, or Politics & Buddhism,
- MD Evolution
- MD Evolution of levels
- MD expectation
- MD Experience before intellect
- MD Experience in the MoQ
- MD facts and harmony
- MD Fahrenheit 911
- MD Faith and rationality
- MD Farewell
- MD Farewell to stings.
- MD Farwell for a while
- MD Fifth Level?
- MD Finite and Infinite Games
- MD Flying Pigs confirmed - latest.
- MD Flying Pigs confirmed.
- MD Focus forum
- MD focus forum starter
- MD focus forum starter (heroes)
- MD For Anthony's PhD
- MD Force of Freedom
- MD Forked tongue
- MD Forum coherence
- MD Forum style..
- MD Foul play
- MD Four options
- MD Four options - let's not pretend
- MD Fox News and Logical Analysis
- MD Fox News, Logical Analysis, and Falsification
- MD fractal filosophy
- MD fractal philosophy and MOQ
- MD Fraudulent Philosophers (Reprise)
- MD Free Markets
- MD Free Speech
- MD Free Will
- MD Free Will (& free Johnny's slave)
- MD freedom
- MD Freedom and quality
- MD friendly challenge
- MD Friendship
- MD from dirt to divinity
- MD From the Horse's Mouth
- MD Fun in Manhattan - Pirsig Biog
- MD Fun in Manhattan?
- MD Fun in Manhattan? (or Nebraska)
- MD Further comments to Matt
- MD Fwd: Good Bye Foreign Oil - DMTY - New USA Oil Find
- MD Fwd: Pre-intellectual awareness = Dynamic Quality?
- MD Galileo
- MD Gardner on Pragmatism
- MD Gavin Gee-Clough essay.
- MD generalised propositional truths
- MD George Galloway & the Senate
- MD George Steiner
- MD German Idealism
- MD getting 'it'
- MD Girard
- MD Give up?
- MD God and the Republicans
- MD God and the Republicans, Democrats & Others
- MD God relieves from suffering?
- MD godel
- MD Godless Americans
- MD Going away
- MD Going away Part 1
- MD Going away Part 2
- MD good conversations
- MD Goodbye
- MD Gossip
- MD Graham Bird and Pirsig
- MD gravy & meat
- MD Greetings
- MD Greetings!
- MD ground of one's own being
- MD Happiness
- MD Happy Birthday Bob
- MD Happy Easter
- MD Happy New Year!
- MD Harmonious preselection
- MD Harmony, Static Patterns, and DQ
- MD Has Quality been divided?
- MD Has Quality been divided? / Pantheism
- MD Have you seen this man?
- MD Hello everyone
- MD Help wanted : Tree-Cutting
- MD Help what is Pirsig's view about transcendence??
- MD Help, what is the status of awareness in the MOQ?
- MD heroes
- MD Heroes, ethnocentrism, Qualtiy, and War
- MD Hi education sympathizers (despairers?)
- MD hierarchy of static patterns - coherence
- MD hoax or what
- MD Holden's Carousel of Faux Philosophy & Fairytales
- MD Holdens Carousel of Faux Philosophy & Fairytales
- MD Holy Holy Holy Trinity
- MD Home
- MD home schooling
- MD Home Truths
- MD Horror
- MD Horror and ever Rising Gas Prices?
- MD Horsepucky in the MOQ
- MD how conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?
- MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evo
- MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?
- MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evolution ofSQ?
- MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?
- MD How does SQ enmerge from DQ?
- MD How to see Lila
- MD Huh?
- MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design
- MD Hundred Monkeys
- MD Hurricanes, earthquakes and genocide
- MD Huxley says:
- MD I agree with Ant McWatt
- MD I believe; you believe
- MD I hope you are teaching Quality to your students
- MD I Love Huckabees
- MD I saw a woman sleeping
- MD I thought...
- MD ID/Ling, again
- MD Identity
- MD If not now, when???
- MD ill gotten gains
- MD illusions
- MD Illusions are us
- MD Illusions--Richard Bach's creatures
- MD Imagination
- MD immoral irony
- MD immoral irony, indeed! :D
- MD immoral irony?????
- MD In God we trust
- MD In Her Honor
- MD In Memory - Scott Muni
- MD individuality
- MD Individuality)
- MD Individuals and Collectives
- MD individuals making Quality decisions
- MD Ineqality and the MOQ
- MD Inequities, Morality and The MOQ
- MD inflicting freedom
- MD info request
- MD Information Request
- MD injuns
- MD Intellect and its critics
- MD Intellect and its critics - Ego
- MD Intellect as Consciousness
- MD Intellect as Consciousness (formerly Collective Consciousness)
- MD Intellect as highest value
- MD Intellect attacks free speech
- MD Intellectual Art
- MD Intellectual Art (Ayn Rand)
- MD Intellectual Art (Dynamic Morality)
- MD Intellectual Art (Kurt Vonnegut)
- MD intellectual level
- MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig
- MD Intellectual level.
- MD Intellectual patterns? huh?
- MD Intellectual-Social group Coherence.
- MD Intellectually Nowhere
- MD Intellectuals and Collectives
- MD Intelligence in the MOQ
- MD Intentions and Morality
- MD interaction between levels - ?
- MD Interested 'chatters'
- MD Interpreting Pirsig
- MD Intersubjective agreement
- MD Introduction and Questions
- MD Introduction and Questions (MF)
- MD Intuition
- MD Involvement in Education
- MD Iraq and a hard place
- MD Iraq and Grain
- MD Iraq Choses Democracy Over Terror
- MD Ironic Metaphysics
- MD Is & Ought in MOQ
- MD Is a break from culture-cynism possible?
- MD Is Buddhism a religion?
- MD Is delivered mail
- MD is god real?
- MD Is isolated MOQ unbearable?
- MD Is MD a cult?
- MD Is Morality Relative?
- MD Is Morality Relative? (or "Is there anything out there?")
- MD Is Morality Relative? (some comments)
- MD Is the MOQ DISCUSS group silent right now??
- MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?
- MD Is there any more to reason than patterns?
- MD Is this over the top even for Mark?
- MD Islam and MOQ
- MD Islands in the continuum.
- MD It is ALIVE!!
- MD It sounds a bit like memes
- MD jackass or jackrabbit?
- MD James for Sam
- MD James's inversion
- MD James, Pirsig, Mysticism
- MD jihad for freedom
- MD John Peel, DJ
- MD Jonathan Edwards
- MD Joseph Cambell
- MD Jung 101
- MD Jung 101 pt2
- MD Jung pt 4
- MD Jung pt. 3
- MD junk
- MD junk or politics on this list
- MD junk]
- MD just a test - please ignore
- MD Just call me Johnny Appleseed
- MD Katrina - Thousands Dead ?
- MD Ken Wilber
- MD Ken Wilber and Ayn Rand.
- MD killing vs helping migration
- MD Krishnamurti
- MD Lack of time, goodbye...
- MD Language
- MD language (patterns of value)
- MD Language in the MOQ
- MD Language, SOM, and the MoQ
- MD Lateral Drift
- MD Leap to language
- MD Left eyed, right handed
- MD Let's be reasonable
- MD Let's vote, for intellectual level above social level or with Platt?
- MD levels
- MD levels (Down with Types of Patterns, Up with Types of Valu e)
- MD levels (Down with Types of Patterns, Up with Types of Value)
- MD levels (Down with Types of Patterns, Up with Types ofValue)
- MD levels (Down with Types of Value, Up with Types of Patterns)
- MD levels (Down with Types of Value, Up with Types ofPatterns)
- MD levels (Relativity)
- MD Liar conclusion
- MD Liar I
- MD Liar II
- MD Liar III
- MD liberal contradiction
- MD liberals, conservatives & suffering
- MD life after death
- MD life after death (was Access to Quality)
- MD Life after death?
- MD Life is ....
- MD life is an emergent property
- MD Lila 24
- MD Lila's Child
- MD Lila's Child (Bo's metaphysics part 1)
- MD Lila's Child (Bo's metaphysics part 2)
- MD Lila's Child (from Struan)
- MD Lila's Child (SOM)
- MD Lila's Child - A question for Dan Glover
- MD Lila-24
- MD Linguistics (Was Kantian etc ...)
- MD List IV
- MD List Matters
- MD List V
- MD little quality
- MD Logic of contradictory identity
- MD Logic vs. reason
- MD Logic, Analogy, Metaphor
- MD Logic, Analolgy, Metaphor
- MD Logical Analysis
- MD Logical positivism, Analogical reality, Metaphorical nihilism
- MD Longer transcript of ZMM?
- MD Longer ZMM Transcript
- MD looking at evolution
- MD Looking for the Primary Difference
- MD Lost dogs.
- MD Lost replies
- MD Love thy neighbour.
- MD lure of Dynamic Quality
- MD Mail Problems
- MD Making Sense of It
- MD Making sense of it (levels)
- MD Making sense of the moq levels
- MD Mapping the Book
- MD Marriages: To Beget or Not to Beget
- MD Material as perceived
- MD Materialism and DQ
- MD Materialism plus DQ
- MD matt said scott said
- MD Matt's Critique of the SOL--conclusion?
- MD Matt's Critique of the SOL.
- MD Matt's Critique of the SOL. Part 1
- MD Matt's Critique of the SOL. Part 2
- MD Matt's Favorite Antipragmatist Statement
- MD Matter , the Other Name for Illusion / by Harun Yahya
- MD Maxwell's "Coherence" and the MOQ
- MD Maxwell's Silver Hammer or notes from the Bin
- MD Maybe biology and religion can explain Mark's Opposition and links?
- MD ME-ME's
- MD Meaningful cosmology?
- MD Measuring values
- MD Mechanical behavior
- MD mechanism of quality
- MD Meditation/prayer
- MD Meeting Pirsig
- MD mental and neural states
- MD Mental space
- MD Merrell-Wolff and contradictory identity
- MD Metaphor.
- MD Metaphors
- MD Metaphysical Wars
- MD Metaphysics and Pragmatism
- MD metaphysics of morality
- MD Metaphysics of Quality: An oxymoron?
- MD Metaphysics of Value
- MD Metaphysics, reality and values
- MD metaphysics, swords and heads
- MD mid-life crisis (was: Involved or on the Sideline?)
- MD Mindfulness and painting
- MD mindreader
- MD Mislead or lie - conclusion.
- MD Mislead or lie? I.
- MD Mislead or lie? II.
- MD Mislead or lie? III.
- MD MOQ & Diversity
- MD MOQ & Freedom & Evolution
- MD MOQ , Islam, Jesus, and....mountains?
- MD MOQ and Buddhism
- MD MOQ and can David M touch the sun?
- MD MOQ and Denying the Reality of Human Racial Variation
- MD MOQ and Education
- MD MOQ and Education Part 1
- MD MOQ and Education Part 2
- MD MOQ and Evidence (from Struan)
- MD MOQ and Gauguin
- MD MoQ and God
- MD MOQ and God (reading suggestion)
- MD MOQ and Human Variation
- MD MOQ and Human Variation to DQ
- MD MOQ and Human Variation: For the Record
- MD MOQ and idealism
- MD MOQ and Islam
- MD MOQ and Logic/Science
- MD MOQ and Logic/Science - Petard
- MD MOQ and Logic/Science - Rupert Sheldrake
- MD MoQ and MC Escher
- MD MOQ and Objective Reality
- MD MOQ and phenomenology
- MD MOQ and Rational Belief
- MD MOQ and Religion [was quality religion]
- MD MOQ and the "Social-Marxist" Denial of Human Variation
- MD MOQ and The Conservative/Progressive Dichotomy
- MD MOQ and The Fall of The Evil Empire
- MD MOQ and The Ideal Society.
- MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society.
- MD MOQ and the Moral Society
- MD MOQ and The Moral Society (Refined)
- MD MOQ and The Moral Society I
- MD MOQ and The Moral Society II
- MD MOQ and The POE Argument
- MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evil
- MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evil)
- MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evit
- MD MOQ applied to the MOQ Forum
- MD MOQ as a gift of understanding
- MD MoQ based psychology
- MD MOQ Conference Photographs
- MD moq culture
- MD MOQ Discuss Rules
- MD MOQ DQ SQ Awareness
- MD MOQ human development and the levels
- MD MOQ in time and space
- MD MOQ is a Vision
- MD moq jargon
- MD MOQ or Idealism or Pragmatism?
- MD MoQ platypuses
- MD MOQ Prayer
- MD MOQ psycology (?)
- MD MOQ Society and Education
- MD MOQ Society and Health Care
- MD MoQ Tests better than Cold Logic ?
- MD MoQ versions
- MD MOQ War "Sympathies"
- MD MoQ Wiki
- MD MOQ, Art & Creativity
- MD MOQ, Buddhism & suffering
- MD MOQ, Intellect, DQ and Woman
- MD MOQ, tension, coherence
- MD MOQ, U.S. & mu
- MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?
- MD MoQ? Draw me a picture.
- MD Moral values and the election
- MD Moral values and the election and in the Bible
- MD Moral values in the election
- MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible
- MD Morality of deadly force
- MD Morals and The Theory of Justice
- MD More on Absurd Dichotomizations
- MD More over postmodernism, hello reality
- MD more than one intellectual level
- MD Motorcycles
- MD Mudville
- MD Multiculturism exposed
- MD music
- MD Music to MOQ to (was MOQ and the Moral Society)
- MD Music to watch the MOQ go by
- MD Mussolini: Splendid chap.
- MD Mussolini: Splendid chap.]
- MD Mystic Experience
- MD Mysticism and the appearance/reality distinction
- MD Mysticism East and West
- MD Mysticism or Cosmic Debris?
- MD Myth of the Stand -Alone Genius
- MD Myth of the Stand-Alone Genius
- MD Mythical Giants
- MD mythos vs logos
- MD Mythos: the lyre
- MD myths and facts
- MD myths and facts (was On Faith)
- MD myths and symbols
- MD myths and symbols (language)
- MD NAZIs and Pragmatism
- MD Neo-Nazi Racism and the MOQ go together like peanutbutter and bro ken glass. Sandwich anyone?
- MD Neo-Nazi Racism and the MOQ go together like peanutbutter and broken glass. Sandwich anyone?
- MD New Age MOQ?
- MD New Bill Hicks book
- MD New Level of Thinking
- MD New levels, budding rebels
- MD New Links?
- MD New Pirsig Paper
- MD New Text on Pirsig
- MD New York lecture series & conference - correction
- MD newsflash: it's all a con
- MD Nifty move.
- MD Nihilism
- MD Nihilism (Punk)
- MD Nihilism (Punk) Part I
- MD Nihilism (Punk) Part II
- MD Nihilism (Punk) Part III
- MD Nihilism and DQ
- MD no more isms, any otheer way forward
- MD No S/O divide.
- MD no subject
- MD No Subject really
- MD No Subject really: Reiki
- MD No to absolutism
- MD Noam Chomsky
- MD Noam Chomsky / "biological crime"
- MD Non-empirical definition of DQ
- MD non-realism
- MD Not Iraq
- MD Notes on Beauty, Art and DQ
- MD Notes on Sam's Essay
- MD novel/computer heirarchy
- MD novel/computer heirarchy (expectation)
- MD Objectivism and the MOQ
- MD Objectivism and the MOQ III
- MD Objectivism and the MOQ IV
- MD Objectivism and the MOQ part I.
- MD Objectivism and the MOQ part II.
- MD Objectivity and Harmony: Two Surveys
- MD Objectivity, Truth and the MOQ
- MD Objectivity, Truth, MOQ and Skyscrapers
- MD Objectivity/Subjectivity distinguishes levels???
- MD Objects in the mirror....
- MD Odd assumptions of modern outlook
- MD Off line for a while
- MD Off the Map
- MD Oil depletion
- MD On Death
- MD On Faith
- MD On Faith (7)
- MD On Faith - Anti-Spyware
- MD On Faith - Improbability ?
- MD On Faith and coincidences
- MD On Faith+understanding (Rorty/Bhaskar)
- MD On Heyman's Arrogance
- MD On Morality
- MD On the Matter of Creativity
- MD On Transcendence
- MD opposite of quality
- MD Origin of Species
- MD Orpheus
- MD other writers
- MD Our Immoral Supreme Court
- MD out of our depth
- MD Out with motorcycle maintenance
- MD ow!
- MD Painting and mindfulness
- MD Painting Quality
- MD Painting Quality - John Singer Sargent
- MD Pantheism and MOQ
- MD Pantheism and MOQ (also MD Jesus?)
- MD parting is such sweet sorrow
- MD Partisan Politics, Labels and Distraction (was terrorism)
- MD Patterns
- MD Patterns (and consciousness)
- MD Patterns of value.
- MD PC-Censorship: Right down the road where Robert M. Pirsig used to live?
- MD PDF of Pirsig Thesis (f.a.o. Steve)
- MD penis size
- MD penis size poll
- MD People and Value in the MOQ
- MD Per "Aha!" experiences and MoQ
- MD Perennial Philosophy
- MD permaculture
- MD Personal Report on MoQ Conference
- MD Peyote article
- MD PhD Viva Questions
- MD PhD Viva Questions (& Answers!)
- MD philosopher genealogy
- MD Philosophers and Poets
- MD Philosophology comments, 1
- MD Philosophology comments, 2
- MD Philosophy and Metaphysics
- MD Philosophy and Metaphysics (I)
- MD Philosophy and Theology
- MD Philosophy and Theology (Wilber)
- MD Pinker says..
- MD Pirsig - shock therapy in real life?
- MD Pirsig 1993 Lecture
- MD Pirsig a liberal?
- MD Pirsig a nominalist?
- MD Pirsig an artist - MoQ & love
- MD Pirsig and Geoffrey Read's The Coherent Universe
- MD Pirsig and Peirce
- MD Pirsig and Politics
- MD Pirsig and Rorty
- MD Pirsig and Rorty the inadequacies of post modernism
- MD Pirsig and Young
- MD Pirsig Biography at AMSAW.
- MD Pirsig in Lila: Beat inspiration or plagiarism ?
- MD Pirsig in Print
- MD Pirsig Institutionalized, Part I
- MD Pirsig Institutionalized, Part II
- MD Pirsig Institutionalized, Response
- MD Pirsig note on" introconvertable"
- MD Pirsig PhD PDF
- MD Pirsig Recommended Website
- MD Pirsig the Critic
- MD Pirsig the Postmodernist (Systematic about the Sophists (Kingsley))
- MD Pirsig the Postmodernist (Systematic about the Sophists(Kingsley))
- MD Pirsig the postmodernist?
- MD Pirsig Website
- MD Pirsig's 3rd Book
- MD Pirsig's Answers
- MD Pirsig's conception of ritual
- MD pirsig's pic
- MD Pirsig's understanding of the intellect
- MD Pirsig, a Zen person
- MD Pirsig, Falck, and Wolfram
- MD Pirsig, the MoQ, and SOM
- MD Pirsigs 'M'
- MD Pity and Liberalism - Was Trans of Love
- MD Plans. A late reply to Anthony McWatt
- MD Plans. A reply to David Harding
- MD Platt's Film Debut! Big Box-Mart promo video!
- MD Platt's Incompleteness correspondance.
- MD Platt's Library Idea
- MD Plotinus, Pirsig and Wilber
- MD Poetic Quality
- MD Political Correctness
- MD Politics of MOQ Discuss
- MD Polls and morality
- MD Polygamy & marriage in general
- MD Positivists & value
- MD Possible incorrect sentence in Lila
- MD Postmodernism on the skids
- MD Practical application
- MD Practical Nightmares
- MD pragMATTic
- MD Pre-intellectual awareness = Dynamic Quality?
- MD Preference and reality.
- MD Primary Reality
- MD Probably Silly Questions..
- MD Product Placement
- MD Progression and benevolence
- MD Project.
- MD projecting down
- MD promises promises
- MD Proposal to discuss a Metaphysics of Value
- MD Proposal to discuss a Metaphysics of Value/Horsepucky???
- MD Provisonal or Absolute Truth?
- MD Provocative statements
- MD Psychology of conservatism
- MD Public/Private Split
- MD Punk & Ham's Comments
- MD Punk & Ham's Superiority
- MD Pure experience and the Kantian
- MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic
- MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic)
- MD Quality
- MD quality & Jung
- MD Quality and Bias In Commercial Media
- MD Quality and Bias In Commercial Media / DJH bias definition updated.
- MD Quality and Complexity
- MD Quality and Consciousness (and the Liberal Conversation)
- MD Quality and In-e-quality
- MD Quality and In-e-quality & Conflict
- MD Quality and the Metaphysics of Quality, Charlton and Derri da
- MD Quality and the Metaphysics of Quality, Charlton and Derrida
- MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals
- MD Quality and the UK General Elections
- MD Quality as a Possibility Field
- MD Quality as such or Dynamic Quality?
- MD Quality decisions
- MD Quality events and the levels
- MD Quality evil destruction contingency
- MD Quality Idea for 2005 ?
- MD Quality in Politics
- MD quality is ...?
- MD Quality is meeting the expectation
- MD Quality prioRORTY (or An Inspector calls.)
- MD Quality privileged
- MD quality religion
- MD quality religion (art)
- MD quality religion (Christianity)
- MD quality religion (cosmotheism)
- MD quality religion (Quakerism)
- MD quality religion]
- MD quality suppression pill
- MD Quality takes a hit
- MD Quality takes a hit...."quality"?!?!
- MD Quality, DQ and SQ
- MD Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level
- MD Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level Part 1.
- MD quality-man made or natural)- Absolute perfection?
- MD quality-man made or natural?
- MD Question
- MD Question of the Ages
- MD Question of the Ages - promise
- MD Question of the Ages - warning
- MD Questions pertaining to the MoQ
- MD Racism in the forum.
- MD Racism in the forum. (patterns of value)
- MD Racism in the forum? / SOLAQI.
- MD Racist Remarks
- MD Random Thoughts on Truth
- MD Randomness & Evolution
- MD Rational Empiricism and the MOQ
- MD Read & SQ & Coherence
- MD real work
- MD REALity
- MD Reality, relationships and DQ.
- MD Rebirth of MOQ_FOCUS
- MD Recognition of Quality, how we do it
- MD Recontextualization
- MD Red and Blue, Terrorist or Friend.
- MD reification of patterns (MD levels etc)
- MD relationship of SQ and DQ
- MD religion
- MD Religion in U.S. Policy
- MD Religion of the future.
- MD religion of the present
- MD religious content & necessity of necessity
- MD Reply to Chin
- MD Reply to DMB
- MD reply to Gav 2
- MD reply to Gav Lila it's beyond our current technology Captain Kirk
- MD Reply to Ian
- MD Reply to Paul
- MD Reply to Paul's Notes on Sam's Essay
- MD Reply to Paul's Notes on Sam's Essay [Part 1]
- MD Reply to Paul's Notes on Sam's Essay [Part 2]
- MD Reply to Sharath, Joe and Glove
- MD Reprint of "Confessions"
- MD responses ( for Platt)
- MD Rhetoric
- MD Richard Loggins Request
- MD Riddles
- MD Right wingers.
- MD Right-brain source of DQ ?
- MD Rights
- MD Rise and fall of empires
- MD Robert Pirsig Center
- MD Rocket science for dummies
- MD Role of imagination with beauty
- MD Ronald Reagan
- MD Rorty
- MD Rorty (and Darwinism)
- MD Rorty (Big Self & small self)
- MD Rorty and Darwin
- MD Rorty I
- MD Rorty I, II & III
- MD Rorty II
- MD Rorty III
- MD rotting whale blubber and other delights
- MD Rump Roast
- MD Rush Limbaugh and Intellectual Quality.
- MD S/O-intellect or thinking-intellect?
- MD Salman Rushdie's Lila
- MD Sam's Eudaimonia
- MD Sam's SOM
- MD Sam: An Apology.
- MD Sanity, reason and SoM.
- MD Scare Quotes and Highlighting
- MD Schiavo
- MD Schleirmacher again
- MD Science and Religion
- MD Science and religion: in conflict?
- MD science and the humanities
- MD science and the humanities - R M Young
- MD Science and the Value Force
- MD Science vs. Theism: Where's The Beef?
- MD Science, art and morals
- MD Science, humanities and the quantum soul
- MD Science, the MOQ, and God
- MD Scientific beliefs and religious faith
- MD scientism
- MD Searchable Lila
- MD Secondary sq ontology
- MD secular humanism and DQ and self-help ideas
- MD secular humanism and dynamic quality
- MD see what he saw - auras and halos
- MD Seeing Reality as Values
- MD selective use of "terrorism"
- MD Self
- MD Self, the great unconscious
- MD Self-consciousness
- MD Self-consciousness and intelligence
- MD Self-enforced laws?
- MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths
- MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths (theism)
- MD self-knowledge
- MD Semiotics, the MOQ and the "individual"
- MD Send your money in.
- MD Sense experience and the SOM problematic
- MD Sensory Deprivation
- MD Sensory Deprived theory
- MD Sentients as predators
- MD severe tensions
- MD Shiavo
- MD Shiavo symptom
- MD Should privacy be a right?
- MD Should racism be banned from the forum?
- MD Should sodomy be a right?
- MD Shusterman
- MD Simplification
- MD Sit on my faith
- MD Sit on my faith.
- MD Skutvik lies.
- MD Skutvik talks out his
- MD Skutvik's End.
- MD Skutvik: Habituated Liar.
- MD slight confusion
- MD Snakes and Ladders
- MD Social crisis
- MD Social level is dependent on the individual
- MD Social Marxism
- MD Social Threats
- MD Social values
- MD Socially approved evaluations
- MD Society religion intellect and levels
- MD Sociology affecting the Human via SQ-DQ
- MD Socrates: martyr to the truth
- MD Socratic Mysticism and Pirsig
- MD Socratic Mysticism and Pirsig:
- MD SOLAQI as a gift of understanding
- MD SOLAQI as gift of understanding
- MD SOLAQI as Greeks bearing gifts
- MD SOLAQI as pile of garbage.
- MD SOLAQI as pile of garbage?
- MD SOLAQI confirmed.
- MD SOLAQI confirmed?
- MD SOLAQI, What's creativity got to do with it?
- MD SOLAQI....confused?
- MD Solidarity truth
- MD SOLitude
- MD solving the internal contradiction
- MD SOM and the soc/int distinction
- MD SOM's ambiguities--an opening for the MOQ
- MD Some cultures are better than others
- MD Some other controversial issue
- MD Some SOM Quality...
- MD Someone said something about a tree ...
- MD Someone said...
- MD Something broken
- MD Sophocles not Socrates
- MD Soul Searching
- MD Speaking of musical excellence
- MD SQ and reincarnation
- MD SQ-SQ coherence and in some good reads.
- MD SQ-SQ Coherence and puberty.
- MD SQ-SQ coherence and tension.
- MD SQ-SQ Coherence and the Armed Forces.
- MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere.
- MD SQ-SQ coherence and the cosmos
- MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Godhead.
- MD SQ-SQ coherence in Gilbert and Sullivan.
- MD SQ-SQ coherence in random events.
- MD SQ-SQ of Samaritans.
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Chinese cuisine.
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Human relationships (again)
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Human relationships (again). I
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Human relationships (again). II
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Human relationships.
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Michelangelo's David.
- MD SQ-SQ tension in Mozart's Symphony No38
- MD SQ-SQ tension/coherence in the clave.
- MD SQ-SQ tension/coherence in the drone.
- MD SQ-SQ tension/coherence in white noise.
- MD SQ-SQ tension/coherence of Samaritans.
- MD SQ-SQ tensions in human relationships (again)
- MD sq/DQ relationship
- MD squonk rider
- MD Squonk wrote a Review
- MD Star Trek Nemesis
- MD Statesman?
- MD Statesman? David Buchanan's just "parroting" the usual lying slander!
- MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious exp erience
- MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious expe rience
- MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious experience
- MD Static and Dynamic aspects of religion and mysticism
- MD Static Latching and the problem with the intellectual level
- MD Status of ideas and god in the MOQ?
- MD Staying power of static pattrns
- MD Steven Pinker
- MD Stopping The Mischief Makers
- MD Straight to bin
- MD string theory
- MD Structuralism in Pirsig
- MD stuck in the middle of life
- MD subject to change
- MD Subjects and Objects
- MD Suffering
- MD Supporting the Statement
- MD Supporting the Statement (from Struan)
- MD Survey says......
- MD Symbolically or actually?
- MD Systematic about the Sophists
- MD Systematic about the Sophists (all of society's ills)
- MD Systematic about the Sophists (essentialism)
- MD Systematic about the Sophists (Kingsley)
- MD Systematic about the Sophists - the Orphic connection
- MD Talking of Patterns and Intellect
- MD Tao - absence of SoM.
- MD Tao Recommendations?
- MD Tat Tvam Asi, Campbell and Theosis
- MD Tat Tvam Asi, Campbell and Theosis ('experience' in the MoQ)
- MD Taxation.
- MD teaching and DQ SQ
- MD Teaching Morality
- MD Technology
- MD terror & religion
- MD Terrorism
- MD Terrorism - a non-physical problem
- MD terrorist blackmail
- MD test
- MD test (ignore)
- MD Testing new e-mail
- MD Testing Testing
- MD Thanks & updated website
- MD Thanks dmb
- MD Thanks Ian
- MD Thanks to Dan Glover
- MD That's right
- MD The 4th level renamed?
- MD The Allegory of Pirsig
- MD the Answer
- MD The Birth of the Mind
- MD the Blues
- MD The Brujo Is The Painted Bird
- MD The Carousel of Faux Philosophy
- MD The centrality of mysticism
- MD The court upholds restrictions on money
- MD The Cutting Edge & Intellect
- MD The Day We Learned To Think
- MD The dominant interpretation?
- MD The Dynamic/Static resolution.
- MD the election results in a map
- MD The empirical verifiability of value
- MD The End of Days
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (choosing unit & conclusions)
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (solution part 1)
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (solution part 2)
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (standard account)
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (supplement part one)
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ (supplement part two)
- MD The Eudaimonic MoQ - oldest idea
- MD The False Mirror: Magritte and Paradox
- MD The Final Cut
- MD The Final Cut for "non-PC" ideas and ideals here?
- MD The final gasp.
- MD The final solution or new frustration.
- MD the fourth level
- MD The free market of thought
- MD The Friends of Violence
- MD The future of the MOQ
- MD The future of the MOQ - The Edge
- MD The Giant
- MD The Giant (types of patterns/types of people)
- MD The Green Flash
- MD The historical context of Pragmatism
- MD the ideology of capitalism
- MD the ideology of capitalism - the Ayn Rand question
- MD the ideology of capitalism - the notion of FRH
- MD the ideology of capitalism - what is capitalism
- MD the ideology of capitalism - what is capitalism?
- MD The individual in the MOQ
- MD The Individual Level
- MD The Intellectual Level
- MD The Intellectual Level (manipulation of symbols)
- MD The intellectual level and rationality
- MD The intellectual mess cleared up.
- MD The intellectual mess still not cleared up.
- MD The intelligence fallacy
- MD The intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)
- MD The intelligence platypus - or not as the case may be?
- MD The intelligence platypus.
- MD The interconvertability of metaphysics and mysticism.
- MD the LAW
- MD The Law of Three in MOQ terms.
- MD The Legend of Bagger Vance
- MD The List I
- MD The Logic of Contradictory Identity
- MD The London Bombing
- MD The London Bombing: Checking on MOQers
- MD The Long & Winding Road
- MD The Matt-Paul _Discussion_
- MD The Matt-Paul Debates
- MD The metality of apes
- MD The Metaphysical Fault Line (Was Sit on my faith)
- MD the metaphysics of forever
- MD the metaphysics of free enterprise
- MD the metaphysics of free-enerprise
- MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise
- MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise - correction
- MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise - Memes and Dawkins
- MD the metaphysics of freedom
- MD the metaphysics of horses and carts
- MD The Metaphysics of Quality Books
- MD the metaphysics of self-interest
- MD the metaphysics of the individual
- MD The MOQ and Moral Intuition
- MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101
- MD The MOQ conference hoax
- MD The MOQ implies that there is more to reality than DQ & SQ
- MD The MOQ implies that there is more to reality than DQ & SQ.
- MD The MOQ in Hollywood
- MD The MOQ makes inroads
- MD The MOQ Perspective on Homosexuality
- MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality
- MD The mythology of science
- MD The narrator
- MD the nature of science
- MD the nature of value
- MD The New Victorians
- MD The Not-So-Simpleminds at play
- MD The Other List
- MD The Phantom Menace
- MD The Political Compass
- MD The Populist Persuasion
- MD The problem of one self and four discrete levels of static patterns
- MD The Quality Event
- MD The Quality of Capitalism?
- MD the quality of eliminating taxes
- MD the quality of equality
- MD The Quality of Genetic Engineering.
- MD the quality of ignoring low quality
- MD The Quality of postCapitalism?
- MD the quality of racism
- MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power.
- MD The Quality of Winter
- MD The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
- MD The S/O divide
- MD the sam/dmb argument, part 47
- MD The Schiavo Case
- MD The secret of matter.
- MD The self is all levels.
- MD The Shibboleth Problem
- MD The Simpleminds at work
- MD The Simpleminds just lurk...
- MD The Skutvik/Hamilton rubbish
- MD The Social Construction of Reality
- MD The SOL fallacy (or Blind mans buff)
- MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was
- MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)
- MD The start of the fourth level (again)
- MD The Sweet Spot
- MD The Transformation of Love
- MD The Transformation of Love/Intellectual level/Patterns
- MD The Transformation of Privacy
- MD The Transformation of Tarzan
- MD The use of the MoQ
- MD The wonder of math(s)
- MD the worst thing about 9/11 according to the MoQ
- MD Theft (from Struan)
- MD Theism, Non-Theism, Anti-Theism, Nihilism
- MD Them pesky pragmatists
- MD Them pesky skeptics
- MD theological questions
- MD Thin skin
- MD Thinking About Thinking
- MD This is over the top even for Squank
- MD Time
- MD Time Out - Source of Truth ?
- MD Tinnitus
- MD To MF or not to MF
- MD Today could be the day
- MD Top 50 books
- MD traditions of mysticism
- MD Transformation of Love
- MD Transubstantiation
- MD True in what sense?
- MD Truth
- MD Truth (rational enquiry)
- MD Truth and Understanding and Knowledge
- MD Truth, conservatism & religion
- MD Tsunami Disaster
- MD Two theories of truth
- MD Two Theses in the MOQ
- MD types of patterns/types of people
- MD U.S. an intellectual culture
- MD U.S. Military question?
- MD Undeniable Facts
- MD under surveillance?
- MD Understanding Johnny Moral
- MD Understanding Quality and Power
- MD Understanding Quality in Society
- MD Universal Moral Standards
- MD unsubscribe
- MD Untitled Matt asking Case questions
- MD Upcoming changes to MOQ.ORG and mailing lists
- MD Updated Pirsig Biographical Timeline
- MD US Monkey trap.
- MD Value of great truth
- MD Value of thinking
- MD Varieties of Buddhism and the Social Level
- MD Varieties of Buddhism, and the Social Level
- MD Vennal Quodlibet of Fairness and Morality
- MD Verne Dusenberry's Book
- MD Violent or non-violent
- MD Vipassana Meditation Website
- MD Viruses in MoQ.
- MD Visuddha Split
- MD Walking with Cavmen
- MD Was > > When metaphysics are not a metaphysics
- MD Wavelegth reality
- MD Wavelegth reality | Reiki |
- MD Wavelength reality
- MD Waves of perception/substance
- MD weapons of mass destruction
- MD Weasel words
- MD Western achievement
- MD Weyl on mathematics
- MD Whale Rider
- MD What are the core values of DQ
- MD What comes first?
- MD What does Pi.... mean by *static intellectual patterns*?
- MD What Good Are the Arts?
- MD What has freed you lately?
- MD What have you freed lately?
- MD What have you freed lately?]
- MD What is a fact?
- MD What is a living being?
- MD What is a person?
- MD what is food
- MD what is life?
- MD What is love in MOQ?
- MD What is mainstream Christianity?
- MD What is really anthropocentric?
- MD What is the role of SO divide in MOQ?
- MD What is thinking?
- MD What it means to believe in the orthodox Christia
- MD What it means to believe in the orthodox Christian God
- MD What it means to believe in the orthodox Christian God (em otion)
- MD What it means to believe in the orthodox Christian God)
- MD What makes an idea dangerous?
- MD what money can buy
- MD What the Bleep Do We Know?
- MD What time is it David?
- MD What's the difference?
- MD What's the difference? chap 13
- MD What's the Problem?
- MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?
- MD When is a society a good society?
- MD When is an idea an Idea?
- MD When is an interpretation not an interpretation?
- MD Where am I?
- MD Where are Women?
- MD Where do ideas reside?
- MD Where does quality reside?
- MD Where is the Zen&
- MD Where is the Zen?
- MD Where the ads take aim
- MD Where things end.
- MD Whither "direct," "pure," and "immediate"?
- MD Who are you to judge?
- MD Who's been asked to Leave?
- MD Who's Been Asked to Leave? part 2
- MD Why Anyone Who Thinks the "Media" is (Left/Right) Should Go
- MD Why I'm here - Mindful Universe.
- MD Why I'm here.
- MD Why Platt must stay
- MD Why Platt, Sam, Matt K, Scott and Erin must go
- MD Why Platt, Sam, Matt K, Scott and Erin must go...
- MD Why the MOQ is nonsense.
- MD Why the MOQ is not perfect...
- MD Wilber and Jeb Bush.
- MD Wilber on mind blowing.
- MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching
- MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching (Footnote)
- MD Women on the List
- MD Worlds Worst Kept Secret
- MD Zen & Reason
- MD ZMM - Binding?
- MD ZMM gallery.
- MD ZMM guidebook
- MD ZMM or ZAMM ?
- MD ZMM p.250 Syllogism
- MD ZMM was alright
- MD Zmm, Lila & Barnes&Noble
- MD ZMM--See what he saw?
- MD ZMM: Required Reading?
- MD: Art
- MD: Duty to Oneself Only? Or Others?
- MD: Fond farewell
- MD: MOQ Where's the matter gone?
- MD: The Linguistic Turn
- MD:Zykaine (thread:Art)
- MDThe Carousel of Faux Philosophy
- Metaphysics of Quality 101 - Setting-up a philosophical debate
- MF Discussion Topic for May 2005 - individual worth
- misc. and so on. see you!
- ModernDynamic Partial tiesant san Pools. Labels and Distraction (was blank
- MOQ:What is a person.
- Ned.
- New Bill Hicks book
- NEW PIRSIG WEBSITE (Reply to Andy Bahn)
- New York lecture series & conference
- Nietzsche
- Non-empiricist definition of DQ
- O'Reilly shot dead at 11.30pm
- Off-topic? physical pain vs. suffering
- One more for the road
- Overview of the MoQ Part 1
- Patterns (and consciousness)
- Pirsig Institutionalized, part I, part II
- Pirsig the postmodernist?
- Population
- Positivists & value
- Promoting Pirsig
- Proposal to discuss a Metaphysics of Value
- quality decisions
- Quality, subjectivity and the 4th level
- Question
- Quincy Rortabender
- Racist Remarks
- Re; debts
- re; home medical tests
- RE; MD Metaphysics of Value
- RE; MD the individual in the MOQ
- read it immediately
- Ree: MD levels
- report
- Report to Recipient(s)
- Returned mail: see transcript for details
- Returned mail: User unknown
- Robert Harris
- website
- Rorty (Big Self & small self)
- Sense-perceptible particulars
- Sheldrake (MD economics of want and greed 4)
- Social-Marxist Ad Hominem slander and lying hypocrisy are MOQ Values?
- something for you
- Status
- stolen
- Structuralism in Pirsig
- SV: MD Understanding Quality And Power
- take it
- Thanks & updated website
- the future of McWatt
- The individual in the MOQ
- The intellectual level and rationality
- The intellectual level and rationality (reformatted)
- The intellectual level and rationality and phenomenology
- the metaphysics of free-enterprise
- The mystical conceptual divide
- The Quality event.
- The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)
- Tsunami disaster
- Understanding Quality And Power
- united british smokers
- unknown
- User 5256e5f.002d84a4 ( not listed in public Name & Address Book
- warning
- what is of particular interest to me is the words of yours: MD bullshit
- What makes an idea dangerous?
- what's up?
- When should we restrict the individual freedom of others?
- You cannot do that!
- you?
Last message date: Wed Dec 07 2005 - 17:43:25 GMT
Archived on: Wed Dec 07 2005 - 18:37:01 GMT
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