Re: MD Islam and MOQ

From: nargess sabeti (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 05:23:17 GMT

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD Individuality"

    hi Platt,
    I was reviewing the messages and when I read yours ,sth came to my mind,although it's related to many days ago;but I would like indicate that when we talk about Islamic civilization( which I believe that's the strongest one even upto now ),we shouldn't forget that Iranians had the most important role in developing this civilization.And when we talk about Islam,we should have two names:Arabs and Iranians.Not only Arabs.
    And the second point is that I think Europeans' development was because of Moslem's liberaries remained in Spain and the books including Greek,Persian,Indian,Arabic science and phylosophy were translated by an especial group ,nevertheless Europeans did not know any thing about even Greek knowledge.
     I Platt Holden <> wrote: Hi Thomas:

    > Pardon me, and this should not be the place to discuss this, but
    > how much do you know about islamic societies? Between 600 and ca
    > 1300 AD Islamic culture has been flowering whereas we here in the
    > west were then still groveling in the mud (apart from those few residing in
    > church life). The Arabic culture has been partly responsible for the
    > transmission of Greek philosophy to Western Europe (!), Music was extremely
    > developed compared to western music at that time (also mainly focused in
    > churches), Astronomy and mathematics were advanced, Poetry was flowering as
    > never before in Arabic countries..... etc etc

    It might be interesting to explain in terms of the MOQ the demise of the
    Arabic culture after 1300 and the rise of the West. It appears the West
    lifted itself into the intellectual level while Islam slipped back to the
    social. Assuming that's true, the question is why.



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