RE: MD Individuality

From: John Maher (
Date: Sat Nov 16 2002 - 00:53:11 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD Individuality"


    "I tend to value Pirsig, not for his originality, but
    for his ability to
    bring an Eastern mindset to western questions. I see
    him as
    philosophical Marco Polo, if you will. Not the
    inventor of unique
    but the explorer who bridges a cultural
    (philosophical) gap and brings
    back ideas to those of us struggling in the dark of
    Cartesian Dualism."

    Not even that really; dualism has been dead for over a
    century. Pirsig pointed out what others have said for
    many years and brought it to a mass (non
    philosophical) audience. The quality of the art
    remains, but let us not fool ourselves into thinking
    that this is either original or ground breaking in a
    philosophical sense. The idea that Pirsig will be
    recognised in 50 years is a gross distortion of the
    nature of longevity and a worrying aspect of a fan
    club that strives to be something other.


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