Re: MD (Patrick is it.) Focus forum - round three

Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 03:05:26 GMT

  • Next message: Trivik Bhavneni: "RE: MD (Patrick is it.) Focus forum - round three"


    I do not wish to be pejorative but I have to say that this statement that you
    made regarding people hating themselves is why they are against us is because
    of their jealousy of us in my own opinion is narrow minded and self-serving.
    You must be an American because only American to have the audacity to say
    what you said. These are people who have been raised in an environment so
    different from ours that I don't think we are capable of fully understanding
    their mind. I fully believe they believe that they are right and that her
    quest is truly a righteous cause. I do notwant to offend you but I could not
    let this article by without commenting on it.


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