From: Trivik Bhavneni (
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 17:23:34 GMT
> Can human beings have "conversations" with themselves?
iff one can change ones mind (/opinion) or doesn't know what one is going
to say/do untill one does it.
> > DMB: " Naturally, I disagree with some folks to such an extent
> > that talking with them it isn't much fun, never bares any fruit and only
> > leads to contempt. Without naming any names, there are posters here who
> > are irrational to the point that I can't respect their views.
surely you do not mean irational - more like different.
prisig says with reference to Lila's insanity: "She has her own reality
which no other culture is able to see." just 'cause there is no repect
avaliable for her in your culture does not mean you should not respect
> since you and others here know what grok means why not use it as need
> be?
it is not always ovious what it mean while not faced with the speakers
it can mean marveling at like a little boy seeing a shop full of candy, or
to become one with spiritully/completely/intelectuly, or to show off
about. Like when you used it - you may have been mocking yourself by
admitting you were Grokking, or mockking the person you addressed by
saking them to Grok you.
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