Re: MD Static and Dynamic aspects of religion and mysticism

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 22:43:48 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Contradiction?"

    Dear Sam,

    A short response to your 'two things' (5 Dec 2002 19:29:34 -0000) that
    hopefully enable you to answer my (4 Dec 2002 23:26:39 +0100).

    My relativism is strictly reserved to the 'outward forms' of religion, the
    'liveries' of William Penn. It serves to stress the importance of its
    'soul', its 'calling'. I say neither 'my way is good, but it may not be the
    only good' nor
    'all ways are good', but 'IN THE CONTEXT OF WHAT I ASK OF RELIGION their
    different ways are irrelevant'. Hinduism that founds the caste system is
    certainly worse than Christianity that founds liberation movements, but both
    point to the moon and it is for pointers to the moon that I turn to
    religion. Liberation can just as well be served by 'scientific socialism'
    and 'satyagraha'.

    "Now that we have science, we don't need religion" does not describe my
    position either. We badly need religion to inspire 4th level progress. We
    should allow it to delegate its tasks in maintaining 4th level patterns of
    values, in inspiring 3th level progress and in maintaining 3th level
    patterns of values to other human faculties and social institutions. Only
    then can it cope with its calling to provide Meaning, point to the moon and
    ... enable the 4th level to become broader than narrowly understood
    intellect and reason.

    With friendly greetings,


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