Re: MD other writers

From: Scott R (
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 04:11:17 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "MD Systematic about the Sophists"

    Those who have heard me rave (or rant) about him for about a year now will
    not be surprised when I recommend Owen Barfield, especially his "Saving the
    Appearances: A Study in Idolatry" as a book that more than any I know of
    lays out what the shift to the intellectual level is all about (N.b., this
    book was written in 1958, so it is independent of Pirsig's work).

    I came across this recently, to show that I'm not alone in my ravings. This
    from John Lukacs "At the End of an Age":

    "I consider this -- so often hardly recognized -- English writer [Barfield]
    (1898-1998) as one of the greatest, and surely one of the profoundest and
    clearest (a rare combination) thinkers in the twentieth century."

    - Scott

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:37 PM
    Subject: MD other writers

    > I am younger scholar who has just read zen and the art of motorcycle
    maintenance and lila in a few weeks. I was completely enthralled with both,
    and really enjoyed the few weeks of immersed thought. Anyway, I was
    wondering if there are any other works that are along the same lines, maybe
    not moq, but just a philosophy that is written like pirsig. Of all the
    books i have read, he was my favorite writer.
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