From: Barritt (
Date: Sat Dec 14 2002 - 21:44:50 GMT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Platt Holden" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: MD 101 One-Liners
> For a change of pace from swishing old tea, here are a 101 Pirsigisms,
> paradoxes, aphorisms, bon mots and one-liners I've collected over the
> years.
> A computer is the old testament God, all rules and no mercy.
> A philosophy without humor means something is missing.
> Art is like life. It's neither true or false, but what it is for me.
> Awareness is existence, existence is what you are.
> Awareness is what you know before you know anything else.
> Beauty is the one value that strikes the senses directly.
> Birth is the cause of death
> By giving up, letting go, DQ is free to explore.
> Cause and effect needs certain conditions, and needs are values.
> Cooperation without coercion is a devastating fiction.
> Create works with no other purpose than to be admired.
> Everyone runs the same "me" program that doesn't belong to anyone.
> Evolution is towards greater awareness and versatility, greater freedom.
> Excite her sense of quality.
> Experiential territory of the mind is every bit as real as external
> Explanation requires division.
> Eye sees parts. Thought creates groups, wholes.
> Eye separates, thought integrates.
> Feelings won't feed the baby.
> Fittest for what? Fittest for the best, i.e. quality.
> Goal of life is to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
> God is the certainty behind the doubt of God's existence.
> Great art frees one from the tyranny of the separate self sense.
> He who helps holds power.
> How many things in a thing? As many as you want.
> Humor is DQ attacking static systems of thought.
> I don't believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.
> I know what I like.
> Identify with what in every living thing is doing the observing.
> If all else fails, lower your standards.
> If it lacks freshness, what good is it?
> If moral laws are man-made they are arbitrary and no one is obligated to
> follow them.
> I'm not sure I really need to understand what I'm talking about.
> John thought about it and said, 'That's a good dog.'"
> Karma is the pain of clinging to static patterns. Let go, let dynamic
> quality.
> Language is a meaningful system of meaningless elements.
> Laughter inclines me to know that man is essentially spirit.
> Like art, existence has no meaning beyond its own presence.
> Look for the humor in any situation.
> Love is the center of life, the greatest pain and the greatest pleasure.
> Love transcends but does not destroy separateness. It transcends and
> includes.
> MoQ attitude: There must be a better way.
> Most important division in any metaphysics is the first one.
> Need is a moral judgment.
> Negative quality is stale, musty, lacks freshness, newness, operating
> out of old patterns.
> No one can say of a Turner or Homer painting that a child could do it.
> No one is obliged to understand anything.
> Nothing is a state of being necessary for the beginning of anything.
> Now is a constant where nothing stays put. The body is a constant
> where nothing stays put.
> Objectivity appealed to Victorians because it was anti-emotion.
> Of all animals, man is most free to choose.
> Only valid thing in art is the one thing that cannot be explained.
> Pattern is a stencil laid over experience.
> People are ends in themselves, not means to the ends of others.
> Physical laws are laws of conduct.
> Physical sensing and moral judgment are identical, simultaneous
> processes.
> Pure awareness, like the nothingness of mystic reality, precedes any
> distinctions.
> Reality for a maggot is complete. Fish--what ocean?
> Rule of life: It's better here.
> Sanity is not truth. Sanity is what is socially acceptable.
> Science claims life emerged from the lifeless and mind from the
> mindless.
> Science can't explain why it is good.
> Science fosters stereotypes. Doesn't worry about the exceptional
> individual.
> Serenity is feeling happy for no reason.
> Some things must be better than others, else all is equally worthless.
> Spirit is, by definition, beyond definition.
> Survival of the fittest is a tautology. Fittest for what? To survive.
> Take a chance and do nothing. No cost and possible beneficial outcome.
> Take care of your goodness, of your beauty.
> That which is the most beautiful is the most real. Light, love, laughter.
> Theory that all is energy and matter consists of neither energy nor
> matter.
> Thinking and judging is involuntary, like breathing.
> This paper and the seeing of it are two names for one indivisible fact.
> Thought is relating perceptions into patterns of meaning so one can act
> to enhance life.
> Time cannot be created since it takes time for creation to occur.
> Time doesn't pass. We do.
> To be you is to be different from everything else, but you are nothing
> apart from everything else.
> To hear value, listen to great music; to see value, look at great
> To others, you are just a subdivision of their experience.
> Tool of conversation between society and biology is a policeman with a
> gun.
> Truth is a high quality set of intellectual patterns.
> Universe wouldn't exist unless it included something that could see that
> it exists.
> Value (the good) is an intuitive, not an intellectual concept.
> Value is a choice of what is interesting or important.
> Values come before facts because values decide what area to focus on
> to determine facts.
> Watch for anything that transcends the run of everyday experience.
> We divide reality, forget we have divided it, then forget we have
> it.
> We divide to survive..
> What we have in common is the belief we are apart.
> Where is the gratitude from all those we've helped?
> Who is the I that knows me?
> Whole thing had a lack of freshness about it, operating out of old
> patterns.
> Within each level is a higher value attempting to escape.
> Without DQ the organism cannot grow. Without static quality, the
> organism cannot last.
> You can drink your champagne out of a jelly glass or fine crystal, but
> there's a difference.
> You can't say what beauty is, but you know it when you see it.
> You cannot deny the existence of value, for you must admit your denial
> has the value of truth.
> You cannot laugh with your arms folded.
> You cannot think yourself out of having a thought.
> You'll never know what it's like to be kissed by you.
> Your everyday ordinary awareness. That is the Tao.
> Platt
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