From: Horse (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 00:25:34 GMT
Hi Davor
I think this could be a good idea if it can be organised properly and enough people are
involved to make it work without a very few getting lumbered with all the work. As the
Christmas period is looming it would probably be best to wait until the New Year to
discuss it properly - but if others want to discuss it before then please feel free to do so.
I'd be interested to know what others on the list think of having a conference in general
and in the Netherlands in particular.
I don't remember very clearly what happened to the last attempt to organise an MOQ
conference (which I believe was started by Rich Pretti) but I think Rich went off the idea
(if I remember rightly he went off the MoQ as well - still such is life!) and didn't get it
Thanks for bringing this up and hopefully this time we might get it organised.
On 17 Dec 2002 at 15:56, Monkeys' tail or wrote:
> Horse, Jonathan all MOQ participants,
> I stumbled across this post in the archives and I wonder if anything has
> been done with it. If not, would that be an idea for the future? It would be
> so great to gather all those who feel sympathetic(or not) to the MOQ. The
> idea of holding the conference in the Netherlands has its advantages and its
> disadvantages but this is for later times. I am willing to take care of a
> part of the organisation if held in the Netherlands. I could contact my
> school and ask how they feel about it, I am confident that they are willing
> to support such an initiative and that they will provide students who can
> organise such an event. The school is also a hotel management school with
> their own hotel which is not the Hilton but surely will do. The school
> itself has the facilities for a conference. Well, how do you all feel about
> it?
> davor
> __________________________________
> I and another are organizing some sort of conference of those interested
> in
> further understanding and applying the MOQ. It's a premature idea at the
> moment, but the plan is to meet in the Netherlands next August, and have
> all
> interested present papers (or, if shy of public speaking, have their
> papers
> presented by others) and join smaller, focused discussion groups, or
> just
> listen and learn. Naturally, the outline would be more dynamic than
> static.
> >>>>
> I think that's a delightful idea. Horse and I even discussed it
> abstractly once, but it would be wonderful to see such a conference
> become a reality.
> My own experience is with academic scientific conferences, so not all
> aspects are the same. Nevertheless, here are some points to consider.
> 1. IMO opinion we should aim at a serious gathering of 50+ participants.
> Not all of these would be MoQ veterans, or even current members.
> 2. If we want recognition and respectability, we should invite some
> academics who deal with MoQ-related issues professionally. For example,
> several names have come up in our discussions. Pirsig should definitely
> be invited as a keynote speaker.
> 3. This is going to be hard to fund. Rich mentions possible free
> accommodation (where? how?), but we need conference facilities too. This
> may necessitate a registration fee. Obviously we want to minimise costs
> for people paying out of their own pockets. I think that some academics
> would be able to justify participation as part of their projects, and
> use their travel money (common practice in academia) - anyone who can do
> so should be welcome.
> We should avoid paying out travel costs for a bunch of invited speakers.
> 4. We should look for sponsorship. Maybe certain publishers (esp. the
> publishers of ZAMM and LILA) would be interested. Other possible
> sponsors would be local businesses, travel organisations, maybe even a
> motorcycle manufacturer!!!
> 5. We already need to work on CONTENT. ASAP as possible we should have
> an organising committee, an outline of sessions, session organisers,
> important speakers. We need competent people who can propose a session
> and recruit a couple of interesting lecturers.
> A good model for a lecture session is to have a 2-3 hour session with
> two main invited speakers and several speakers selected later from
> applicants.
> Discussion sessions need a leader who is willing to organise discussants
> and to prepare and lead a structured discussion.
> In scientific conferences, poster sessions are great! A good poster
> packs in much more info. than a lecture and can generate hours of
> one-on-one discussion. Do we have enough people who could consider
> presenting their ideas and schemes as a poster?
> 6. Potential contributors should send in an abstract or summary of what
> they would like to present. This goes to session organisers, and could
> be the basis of most of the final programme. (One wants to go on
> accepting abstracts as long as possible, but a closing date that allows
> enough time to arrange the programme).
> 7. August is a difficult time for some - especially those with family
> obligations. A venue that can accommodate and entertain accompanying
> adults and children would be a very nice idea.
> Thanks again Rich - I hope I'll be able to participate.
> Jonathan
> _________________________________________________________________
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