From: Glenn Bradford (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 20:58:23 GMT
"Erin N." <> wrote:
>>GLENN: (earlier)
>>OK. So are you saying that acausality happens when causality is
>>expressed as a kind of positively re-inforced feedback loop?
>Not sure, you can have feedback from A causes B too but not
>in the same way as acausal relationships are saying.
Then pray tell what are acausal relationships "saying", beyond
Jung's description that they are "seemingly coincidental"? Do you
know, or are you just hoping something promising might come from
one of these definitions? You seem to be grasping and don't know
any better than I do.
>Like with the other quote,he said it was chain of events, pointed out it is
>multiple of chains, then summed it up as this then that.
>You interpreted it as going back to the first definition.
>But "this" could be a multiple chains so I don't think
>that necessarily has to be true.
You lost me a little in the "thises" and "thats" but I think mine
is still the correct reading of it.
>It's saying its always "this-- causes---that".
>Acuasality is considering the possibility of
>other relationships--that affecting this so to speak.
What does "so to speak" mean? This is hardly clear.
>Do you consider acausal relationships possible?
That photon thing maybe, but I don't know enough
about these special "acausal relationships" you keep
throwing out without explanation.
>If not do you have any proof to rule it out?
It can be ruled out or allowed by definition. No
proof is necessary either way.
>If its unknown then can you admit that it
>might not necessirily be a causal relationship?
Sure. It could be a non-causal coincidence, like I've
been saying all along. It might even be acausal, if
I knew what that meant.
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