From: Magnus Berg (
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 18:02:49 GMT
Hi John, still around?
> 5) [...] Pirsig claims that the MOQ
> is scientific and, in doing so, belittles science,
> because that claim is false (spurious, therefore
> deserving of contempt by your values and unworthy of
> being disproved!).
Did I miss something here? Why should such a claim belittle science? I
know my view of the MoQ is fairly extreme in this aspect but I take the
M of MoQ literally. I think it does a great job of explaining the
reality around us. A much better job than the other dominating world
view Pirsig calls SOM. To me, that's science. To be able to explain and
comprehend reality without conflicts and platypi.
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