Re: MD "linear causality"

From: Glenn Bradford (
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 04:37:48 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "RE: MD Reprint of "Confessions""

    John M,
    Wow, it's not every year that someone sticks up for me here,
    and shows some passion to boot. Thanks *very* much. That meant
    a lot to me. It's such a rare event that to one MOQite it seemed
    more conceivable to believe we were the same person than not. I
    find that amusing and I find it amusing that Horse has offered to
    help you unsubscribe. Isn't he a sweetie?

    Thou protesteth too much. Obviously I struck a nerve. Your interjection
    into the matter as moderator means that my charge against Pirsig of
    "belittling science" is a severe abuse, or so you say. As statements
    go this is actually quite measured (in contrast, for example, to your
    continued tirade after I told you what I meant). However, once you
    simmered down you said,

      If we accept Glenns definition of 'belittle' as "lessen the authority,
      dignity, or reputation of" then surely any criticism of science (as a
      discpline) does this.

    You don't want to accept this definition, but the meaning of 'belittle'
    I have chosen to defend is one offered by WordNet. And yes, the upshot
    of this definition is that any criticism of science (as a discipline)
    will lessen its authority, dignity, or reputation. Whether or not that
    criticism is *justified* or not is irrelevant to your complaint of my
    charge. When you say,

      I think this isolationist attitude and model of insecurity may be
      the kind of science Pirsig objects to and in criticizing science as he
      does Pirsig is doing both mainstream science (and scientists) a favour.

    you yourself are admitting that Pirsig criticises science and therefore
    belittles it. In your opinion, Pirsig is belittling science for its own
    good. This admission alone deflates your demand for specific evidence.

    Plus an apology for your harsh treatment of me would be nice.

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