Re: MD Pirsig a liberal?

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 23:57:30 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD No to absolutism"


    Platt said:
    It would have been more accurate to say "Rorty's
    meaning of rational" rather than "the new meaning of rational."

    True. My apologies. I had been referencing it a lot lately, so I just
    skipped over the reference to Rorty. Like many of the changes in my
    vocabulary, they are owed to Rorty.

    Without a rational basis for morality based on agreed premises, there
    will be no basis for defining "civilized" other than by a soup of
    sentiments such as "don't be cruel" which can be interpreted many
    different ways, depending on the particular ask you want to grind.

    This begs the question in your favor by still asking for a "rational
    basis." Under the new (Rortyan) interpretation of rationality, the
    question of a basis to determine civility doesn't come up.

    Platt said:
    Do you think Marxists by and large are more likely to be method
    rationalists or a persuasive (propaganda) rationalists? From what I've
    seen, they'll jump from one style to another, whatever works to attain
    their ends.

    Your distinction I obviously object to, but if you are asking if I think
    Marxists are by and large attracted to Marxism because of its method
    ("rational basis") or its ends (the elimination of an underclass) I haven't
    read enough of my history on the individual Marxists to want to comment
    either way.

    Platt said:
    I hope that Pirsig's tugging at your heart strings doesn't blind you to the
    rational aspects of the MoQ. :-)

    You mean the MoQ's call for persuasion and tolerance over force and
    bigotry? No, why would I be blind to that? ;-)


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