Re: MD Proposal to discuss a Metaphysics of Value

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 22:24:00 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: [Spam] Re: MD the metaphysics of free enterprise"

    Hi Ham,

    Thanks for getting back to us with a look at your Pirsig
    correspondence. I understand and appreciate the time you took in
    making sure RMP would not object.

    Thanks also for your previous note to me where you indicate you
    believe your idea of immanency "is unique in that it makes Essence
    accessible to man (as Value)." I want to look into this a little,
    and get back to you.

    I believe Scott Roberts has encapsulated my own take of RMP's
    expression of his metaphysics. The philosophy sections of both books
    are easily determined, although the auto-biographical narrative is
    often used to provide metaphorical support for his ideas.

    You and I are miles apart politically, I'm afraid. Your admiring
    references to Rand and Friedman speak for themselves. If you look
    back through the archives for exchanges between myself and Platt
    Holden, or between David Buchanan and Platt, or between Mark Maxwell
    and Platt, you'll get the idea. If you look at the exchanges
    between, say, Paul Turner and Platt Holden, you'll see where Rand's
    Objectivism and the MOQ are morally unreconcilable.

    To me, the study of Philosophy has no value whatsoever if what we
    learn cannot be applied in working toward a better (more moral) world
    for all. Therefore, for me, political and philosophical discussion
    go hand in hand.

    As for your dismissal of my claim that Bush and company stole the
    election, let me say that this conclusion is unavoidable by anyone
    who seriously studies that event. It is not a conservative vs
    liberal issue. By far, the best book on the subject was written by
    Vincent Bugliosi, a very conservative former prosecutor in Los
    Angeles, most famous for his prosecution of Charles Manson. The book
    is called "The Betrayal of America." Take a look. But you should
    probably read it all the way through.

    Finally, you said:
    "If I should offend anyone in this group by arguing for my
    perspective, let me know and I'll become a silent member."

    msh says:
    Speaking for myself, it's impossible to offend me, at least not with
    words. I doubt if any of us want you to become a silent member.
    Just don't expect us to agree with you all the time. Engage us with
    verifiable facts and logic in defense of your position. I don't even
    care if you are polite or kind or cuddly, as long as you're rational
    and well informed.

    Thank you,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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