Re: MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evil

From: Charles Roghair (
Date: Sat Aug 21 2004 - 00:20:31 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD MOQ and The Problem Of Evil"


    On Friday, August 20, 2004, at 01:32 PM, David Morey wrote:

    > God is ambitious and does not stick with what is known, in
    > infinity you can always march out into unknown territory.
    > But you always get some grumblers I suppose.....
    > What did you want to do sit at home in nothingness, doing
    > nothing???????

    What possible use could an omnipotent being have for "ambition"?

    Or for that matter, why the grand experiment of inflicting free-will on
    such lower, intellectually inferior life forms like us who stand no
    chance whatsoever of ever beginning to understand the first iota of
    thought behind her or his or I-Am-Who-Am's motivation?

    Were all just rats in God's unsolvable maze. Lovely.

    This is how your God gets his kicks?



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