Re: MD MOQ psycology (?)

From: ml (
Date: Sat Aug 21 2004 - 17:59:58 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Re: Non-empiricist definition of DQ"

    Hello Ian:

    Ian said:
    > Exactly, "Scientific logic applied to human affairs" is an incredibly
    > resilient example of such a cultural norm.
    > Let's all wake up from the meme dream please.
    > (I really thought all MoQ'ers had done, but increasingly it seems not.)

    I'm still not sure that meme is more than just a clever terminology
    gimick, but as to your parenthetical: Don't be discouraged. Please
    don't mistake common interest for common evolution or development.
    We move at different speeds.

    For most of us, I suspect, and for myself specifically, the MoQ has
    much to offer as a 'correction' for perceiving the experiential milieu
    through which personal awareness moves. There is much maladaptive
    training or misperceived understanding that needs to be escaped.


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