Re: MD MOQ and Logic/Science

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 16:20:47 BST

  • Next message: Joseph Maurer: "Re: MD Re: Off-topic? physical pain vs. suffering"

    On 23 Aug 2004 at 9:57, Platt Holden wrote:
    A problem with Popper's idea of falsification that it doesn't work
    when applied to his theory of falsification. In other words, his own
    theory isn't falsifiable. Thus, it is as non-scientific and as
    questionable as religious "theories."

    Popper's theory is hoisted on its own petard.

    msh says:
    Platt, you've just shown it to be falsifiable.

    Seriously, the circular vertigo you're experiencing is because you
    think he's claiming that his idea is scientific. He's not, and it
    isn't. It's a philosophical idea ABOUT science. It's meta-science.

    Furthermore, I forbid you to use the "petard" image unless you can
    tell me whence it comes. No fair looking it up...

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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