Re: MD Solidarity truth

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 13:34:56 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Quality privileged"

    Hi Matt:

    > I think you either have a misconception of what Rorty's suggesting, or you
    > haven't provided anything that would make "objectivity" look any more
    > inviting.
    > I think misconception because of your locution "solidarity truth."

    You call it "locution," I call it "recontextualization," a process you
    encourage. :-)

    > You
    > seem to be almost putting it side by side with "objective truth," as if
    > there are two kinds of truth, one based on intersubjective agreement, or
    > solidarity, and one on objectivity, your argument thus being that objective
    > truth is better than solidarity truth.

    My fault for misleading you. I believe there are many kinds of truth.
    Maggie mentions "intellectual truth" and "social pattern" truth, for
    example. Actually, I find "beauty truth" to be the most convincing. But
    that's another story.

    > But to argue this way is to either
    > misunderstand what Rorty's suggesting or beg the question.

    I notice you frequently use the phrase, "beg the question" and I keep
    asking myself, "What's the question?" usually finding no answer. Is
    there another way you can make your point or at least reveal the
    > The reason pragmatists think "objectivity" is chimera is because they can't
    > figure out how we are supposed to know when the time is right to call
    > something "objectively true." The notion of objectivity rests on the
    > correspondence theory of truth. For something to be objectively true, it
    > must correspond correctly to the world. But pragmatists, for the life of
    > them, can't figure out what that means.

    I suggest that if a pragmatist has a heart attack he would quickly find it
    objectively true that he'd rather be treated by a doctor than a auto
    mechanic. For the life of him, that's not had to figure out.

    > All they can figure out is that
    > when a theory is logically consistent, agrees with experience, and is
    > stream-lined of all superfluous info, those theories tend to work better
    > and are more useful for our purposes, and hence, more people agree with it.

    You bet. "Agrees with experience" is tantamount to "corresponds."

    > To convince pragmatists that "objectivity" is a useful notion you have to
    > provide an explanation of what "corresponding correctly to the world"
    > means.
    Basically it means verify by observation.

    > So, when you say Lomborg is being vilified unfairly, I can only take your
    > word for it and lament the occurence. His research should be taken
    > seriously and tested by other people so there is corroboration on his
    > research: that's how science works. To say that, "This episode cannot help
    > but remind me of the persecution of Galileo by the solidarity of the Roman
    > Catholic Church and other instances in history where solidarity truth was
    > not only wrong but engendered cruel treatment of individuals who dared
    > question the reigning groupthink," clearly begs the question by positing
    > that Galileo had found the truth.

    Let's see. The question must be, "Did Galileo get closer to the
    pragmatic truth than the Church?" I would answer "Yes." Wouldn't you?

    > If it doesn't (as I don't think it
    > should considering we've moved far beyond Galilean physics and astronomy),
    > then it is simply a case of an institution unfairly silencing an outside
    > voice. Pragmatists can still say that the Catholic Church and the Ministry
    > of Truth unfairly silence voices. One of the supreme ideas that
    > pragmatists rally around, holding hands in solidarity, is the idea of the
    > marketplace of ideas, and thus democracy. I can't see that you've provided
    > anything that undercuts that interpretation.

    My question to you boils down to: "Is it possible for a single individual,
    acting alone, to discover a pragmatic truth?



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