Re: RE; MD the individual in the MOQ

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Sep 04 2004 - 14:33:57 BST

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "Re: MD Scare Quotes and Highlighting"


    > I also disagree with the assumption that's been advanced in the dialogue;
    > that one must support either the "individual" or the "collective", and have
    > a philosophy that values one above the other. To propose so may serve
    > political interests, but not much else.

    Except without the individual there would be no response to DQ, nor would
    there be any intellectual values since the individual is their source.

    "Whenever you kill a human being you are killing a source of thought too.
    A human being is a collection of ideas, and these ideas take moral
    precedence over a society. Ideas are patterns of value. They are at a
    higher level of evolution than social patterns of value. Just as it is
    more moral for a doctor to kill a germ than a patient, so it is more moral
    for an idea to kill a society than it is for a society to kill an idea.
    And beyond that is an even more compelling reason; societies and thoughts
    and principles themselves are no more than sets of static patterns. These
    patterns can't by themselves perceive or adjust to Dynamic Quality. Only a
    living being can do that." (Lila, 13)


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