Re: MD Zmm, Lila & Barnes&Noble

From: Charles Roghair (
Date: Wed Sep 08 2004 - 02:59:34 BST

  • Next message: Charles Roghair: "Re: MD Zmm, Lila & Barnes&Noble"


    This is killing me.

    ZMM & LILA could also be in the "writing manuals section," "the books
    by guys whose last name begins with 'P' section," or "books the color
    of Pepto Bismol that sort of make me nauseous, but I love anyhow

    Lines are arbitrary and therefore not to be trusted. Pirsig agrees and
    says so much early on in ZMM which is, I think, ironically the genesis
    for an argument one might make for putting said tomes (ZMM at least) in
    the Buddhism section.

    Not that I would make such an argument, but I think there is a case to
    be made.

    Just a thought. Sorry. Carry on.

    Best regards,


    On Sep 7, 2004, at 4:06 PM, Scott Roberts wrote:

    > MarshaV,
    > I'd agree they should be in philosophy.
    > - Scott
    > [Marsha said]> I was in Barnes&Noble today. I was looking in the
    > section
    > on Buddhism, and
    >> there were ZMM & Lila, The Guidebook to ZMM. They were not in their
    >> philosophy section. I asked why they were in the Buddhist section
    >> rather
    >> than the philosophy section. I was told the decision is not made in
    >> the
    >> store, but determined before they arrive, at the "Main Office".
    >> Is the Buddhism section a right choice? Shouldn't the books be in the
    >> philosophy section? They gave me a 800 number to call to challenge
    >> their
    >> decision.
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