From: Arlo Bensinger (
Date: Wed Sep 08 2004 - 20:02:20 BST
Hi Jon,
>I think there will always be young people (and old people) with zero
>interest in history, or for that matter, thier very future. History will
>always be avaliable to those who seek it out. Certainly our ancestors
>managed to find history, and they didn't have the internet. History is
>easier than ever before to find. Those who want to know will seek it out.
I think what worries me is that until these people (call them "deliberately
uninformed") make the decision to "become informed" about national history,
government, politics and international history/politics, they continue to
voice these "deliberately uninformed" decisions in matters of public,
national, and international interest.
There is no way around this in a democratic society, I cede that point. I
guess one wonders if the "deliberately uninformed" vote cancels itself out
in great numbers? One hopes, anyways...
>Again, you won't hear many capitalists discussing concepts such as
>"altruism" unless they are having philosophical conversations with Marxist
>Also, some may say "Things are different now, Communism done *right* will
>work splendidly." I say hogwash.
And I would agree.
>Indeed. To trust socialists as altruistic...I'd caution against it. Two
>type of people. Those who want to work their way out of the mud, and those
>who want everyone down in the mud. Being dirty is a good motivator to get
>clean. Certainly, education as to how to use soap is needed.
I'd agree. I am not a socialist (at least, I do not consider myself as
such), despite my criticisms and concerns regarding capitalism.
>If the chance to fail greatly was not an active component in the system,
>then succeeding greatly wouldn't be such an inspiring goal. Sure, educate
>yourself first. Learn about the consequences of the chances you plan to
>take. And I disagree about the whole myth thing. Rich people can become
>poor (and indeed, have lost millions), and poor people can become rich
>(achieving middle class is an inspiring dream to many poor people!).
>Again, if you changed all the things about capitalism that made it unfair,
>it would be less exciting and less motivating.
I just want the "unfairness" balanced between "who's getting the shaft",
the laborers or the capitalists. So, if it is "unfair" that corporation "X"
has to implement strong anti-pollution measures, or company "Y" can't fire
someone who is gay, or company "A" must abide by honest advertising
requirements, so be it.
It's all about balance...
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