Re: MD Making sense of it

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 20:20:21 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "Re: MD Ironic Metaphysics"

    Hi Mari:

    > The Mobile spins
    > too fast it seems to me. What are we doing? Where are we going? Can we
    > find a way that will lead self and group to a higher good. What is "best"?
    > Wasn't that the question that RMP asked that leads us here now?

    Ah, but you already know the answer to your question. You said:

    > Some time ago i mentioned that Aldous Huxley said : "Knowledge" is
    > public "Understanding" is private. No one responded to this
    > statement/thought. To me it squares with Pirsigs statement about DQ
    > being non-definable because it's "private"

    So you understand what's best. Nobody has to tell you these things.

    Nobody has to put into a sentence or reach intersubjective agreement
    for you to know the "truth" about the pain you feel when your tooth
    aches, the joy in your heart when you fall in love, or the satisfaction in
    your soul when a work of art you've sweated over succeeds. Only a
    living being, not a mob, can respond to Dynamic Quality.

    Rational argument that philosophers use and that we try to adhere to on
    this site can never bring everyone together. To think otherwise is to
    bang your head against the wall. Not only are logical premises
    endlessly debatable, but strict logic inevitably leads to paradox and/or
    infinite regress. All we can do is ultimately decide for ourselves, each in
    the privacy of her own heart and mind, "Is this a good idea or not? All
    we can do is assure others have the intellectual freedom to do the

    Shakespeare advised, "To thine own self be true." No one has used
    "true" in a sentence any better.

    > It is everything and it is nothing.
    > It's what you see and what you don't see. It's one thing to one person and
    > something else to another. It's right and wrong. It's good and bad. It's
    > art. It's me/it's you. It's what always was and always will's a
    > never ending story and none of the above.
    You got it. So enjoy the beauty of it all, as I know you truly do.


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