RE: RE; MD the individual in the MOQ

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Sep 13 2004 - 01:33:57 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD A bit of reasoning"

    Arlo, Platt and all:

    Arlo said:
    ...Language allows us to build, and statically latch ideas. Thus, language
    both constrains and affords possibility. ...So, DQ on the pre-semiotic or
    pre-intellectual awareness level "points" us toward certain possibilities.
    But our intellectualization of that, our orientation and response occurs
    through the social semiotic, and so is both constrained (limited) and given
    affordances to representation and action.

    dmb says:
    I'd like to expand on this, especially the idea that DQ "'points' us toward
    certain possibilities. There is a tendency among postmoderns to get extreme
    and insist ALL meaning is socially constructed and that contruction process
    is more or less arbitrary. Its a kind of nihilism that prevents us from
    saying Quakers are no better or worse than NAZIs except as a matter of
    taste. But the idea that constructs within the culture's intersubjective
    space are, in some sense, bound or constrained by DQ is a very important
    antidote to this nihilism. There are other constraints too, but this one
    strikes me as essential in the MOQ, where everything is quality. Here's Ken
    Wilber on the topic. If you substitute Quality where he uses "currents of
    the Kosmos" and "the Tao", you can see that he's putting the same breaks on
    this nihilistic brand of postmodernism...

    "Everything is 'socially constructed' - this is the mantra of the extremist
    wing of postmodenism. They think that different cultural worldviews are
    entirely arbitrary, anchored in nothing but power or prejudice or some 'ism'
    or other - sexism, racism, speciesism... Worldviews just aren't that
    arbitrary; they are actually CONSTRAINED by the currents of the Kosmos, and
    those currents LIMIT how much a culture can arbitrarily 'construct". We
    won't find a consensus worldview, for example, where men give birth or
    apples fall upward. ...A diamond will cut glass no matter what words we use
    for 'diamond', 'cut', and 'glass', and no matter what culture we find them
    in. It is not necessary to go overboard and deny the pre-existence of the
    sensorimotor world altogether! And that sensorimotor world - the cosmos and
    the bios constrains the worldviews 'from below', so to speak. ...So in these
    and many other ways, the real currents in the Kosmos constrain worldviews
    and prevent them from being merely collective hallucinations."

    "It's not that there is a map on the one hand and the territory on the other
    - that's the nasty Cartesian dualism - but rather that the map is itself a
    performance of the territory it is trying to map. This don-dualistic
    approach doesn't deny the representational paradigm altogether; but it does
    say that at a much deeper level, thought itself CANNOT deviate from the
    currents of the Kosmos, because thought is a product and a performance of
    those very currents. And the task of philosophy, as it were, is not simply
    to clarify the maps and CORRECT their deviations from reality, but to
    ELUCIDATE these deeper currents from which thought couln't deviate even if
    it wanted to! In simpler terms? In Zen there is a saying, 'That which one
    can deviate from is not the true Tao'. In other words, in some ways our
    knowledge is indeed a matter of correcting our inaccurate maps; but also,
    and at a much deeper level, there is a Tao, a Way, a Current of the Kosmos,
    from which we have not, and could never, deviate. And part of our job is to
    find this deeper Current, this Tao, and express it, elucidate it, celebrate

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