RE: MD On Faith

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 03:34:45 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Read & SQ & Coherence"

    Platt et al,

    [Scott:]> > Note that Chuck said "scientism" is coherent, while Dawkins is
    > > about science. Dawkins is correct that science is not a faith. Scientism
    > > is, however. Science is a way to learn things about the inorganic world.
    > > Scientism is a belief that science is the only way to know anything.
    > According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, scientism "1.methods and
    > attitudes typical of or attributed to the natural scientist." Note
    > "typical of" which suggests that many scientists consider themselves the
    > shamans of the modern age, Dawkins being a prime example. As for faith,
    > previous two posts in this thread which remain unchallenged cited the
    > assumptions that scientists accept on faith without question. To Dawkins
    > and his fellow SOM materialists, science is indeed a religion, defined as
    > "4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and
    > faith."

    Then I should have used the more explicit name 'scientific materialism'
    instead of 'scientism'. My apologies, though I have often seen the two
    terms ('scientism' and 'scientific materialism') used interchangeably. With
    that substitution, I did challenge your first post. Science is an activity,
    not a doctrine or metaphysics or faith. Some scientists (like Dawkins) are
    scientific materialists, but many others are Christians, Muslims,
    agnostics, etc. who do not hold that evolution proceeds by blind chance,

    > (Scott)
    > > As for killing, zealots and bigots kill for their beliefs, whether those
    > > beliefs are religious or not. The problem is zealotry and bigotry, not
    > > religion.
    > To suggest all killing can be attributed to zealots and bigots isn't
    > realistic. Societies rightfully kill biological patterns that threaten
    > their existence, like germs and terrorists, in self-defense.

    I didn't suggest that all killing can be attributed to zealots and bigots.
    Read it again.

    To suggest that terrorism is a biological pattern is wrong. Biological
    beings kill for food or self-defense. Terrorists kill for social reasons.

    - Scott

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