RE: MD On Faith

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 12:14:13 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD On Faith"

    Hi Horse,

    > On 6 Oct 2004 at 16:40, Platt Holden wrote:
    > > So what was the atom bomb? As I recall, scientists created it. Not to
    > > mention intercontinental missiles and chemical/biological weapons.

    > So you're saying that scientists design and build WMD either to silence
    > those who have competing scientific views or who threaten the scientific
    > world view?
    No. I'm saying scientists are no less prone to killing their fellow human
    beings than any other group, and will rightfully join others who kill to
    preserve their freedom to pursue their scientific world view.

    The quote from Dawkins expressed a holier-than-thou attitude typical of
    know-it-all scientists. That's what got me riled.


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