RE: MD On Faith

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Sat Oct 09 2004 - 19:53:16 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD On Faith"


    > I no doubt have forgotten a lot since then, and I'm sure new analyses
    > has been offered since. Who would you recommend for a current view?

    Other than the process theologians, and they are more than 25 years old, I
    doubt that there is much new. I've recently been reading Leszek
    Kolakowski's "Religion", whose first chapter is on the POE. But he is going
    over old formulations, and in fact doesn't mention the process folk. I am
    reasonably certain that your professor's reply has much more than I know
    about it.

    I guess what is new is that the picture of God as perfect, omnipotent, and
    omnibenevolent is just going out of style, as is the style of argumentation
    that seeks to find one rational answer to this and other questions. Not
    that one takes pains to provide a different picture, but that one
    recognizes this picture as a Platonic ideal, one that doesn't resonate much
    with contemporary folk. So you might say that the old response "we just
    can't know with our finite minds" is more to the fore, and the emphasis is
    more on living with the mystery than attempting to solve it.

    David Tracy's "Plurality and Ambiguity" is a not untypical example of
    contemporary (well, 1987) theology, though he doesn't discuss the POE as I
    recall. But that is sort of the point, that one is more likely to find a
    discussion of the POE in a book on philosophy of religion (like
    Kolakowski's) or history of theology, than in contemporary theology itself.
    Of course, theology as a whole is all over the intellectual and political
    place, including conservatives, liberals, existentialists,
    deconstructionists, and more.

    - Scott

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