Re: MD On Faith

From: Erin (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 05:47:39 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD God and the Republicans, Democrats & Others"

    hee hee, i said the argument was getting me dizzy, definitely time to go to bed, sorry for the mixup.

    Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
    On 25 Oct 2004 at 18:29, Erin wrote:
    I am not trying to give you a hard time mel. I am just truly
    confused athow you distinguish these things.I'm getting dizzy
    trying to figure out what the heck your argument is.....remind mewhy
    you justify your belief in MOQ is not faith with the claimthat it
    falls asRATIONAL empiricism and thenwith this new statement shun
    rational label as SOM and seemingly start to describe arealm of
    beyondunderstanding whichwas how you described faith.

    msh says:
    You're confused because you are mixing up responses from two
    different people. MSH is not MEL.
    Mel thinks that rejecting SOM means rejecting rationalism, a position
    so clearly refuted by a variety of contributors to this list that
    it's hard to understand why he still clings to it.
    Just take a little time to examine a posting and see who's saying
    what, before responding. You also might want to consider labelling
    sections of your posts with things like "mel said:" , "erin says:"
    "msh says:" This will make it a lot easier for all of us to
    determining who's saying what in response to whom.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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