Re: MD Where does quality reside?

From: David Morey (
Date: Mon Nov 01 2004 - 10:23:35 GMT

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD Where does quality reside?"

    Hi Platt

    Would you say there is conflict between this
    life force and SQ patterns?


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Platt Holden" <>
    To: <>; <>
    Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:15 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Where does quality reside?

    >> msh writes:
    >> > He then goes on to say that Quality, in fact, is the ultimate ONE,
    >> > and that subjects and objects are created by it. This is the
    >> > Quality that becomes the fundamental reality of the MOQ he attempts
    >> > to define in LILA.
    > P:
    >> The ultimate ONE sounds God-like to me.
    >> msh says:
    >> Yes. Similar, I'd say, but without all those troublesome human
    >> projections: Not loving or caring, but not hateful either, or
    >> cunning or vengeful; without expectations or desire; without
    >> opinions: no favored people or nations or baseball teams. Nothing to
    >> kill
    >> or die for.
    > Pirsig is clear that DQ (the creative side of Quality) does care and has a
    > burning desire for -- freedom.
    > "Dynamic Quality is the pre-intellectual cutting edge of realty, the
    > source of all things, completely simple and always new. It was the moral
    > force that had motivated the brujo in Zuni. It contains no pattern of
    > fixed rewards and punishments. Its only perceived good is freedom and its
    > only perceived evil is static quality itself-any pattern of one-sided
    > fixed values that tries to contain and kill the ongoing free force of
    > life." (Lila, 9)
    > A moral force for freedom . . . something millions have died for, and
    > continue to do so to this day.
    > Platt
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