From: john williams (
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 10:49:43 GMT
Hi Platt, thanks for taking the time to read my contribution. You don't
think much of it?
You say:
Let's see. DQ people are people who "help" others. Where did you get
> that idea? I've searched Lila and couldn't find where Pirsig said any such
> thing. Can you help me out by citing a quote or two? I ask because
> when I think of great DQ people like Rembrandt and Beethoven, I don't
> see that "helping others" was their guiding light.
So you only recognize significant DQ people, And that there would only be
one way of Dynamic Quality manifesting? I find that hard to believe. Your
probably right, if Pirsig hasn't anything to say about helping people. Even
if that isn't where he ended up I'm fairly certain that's what he started
out to do, and I accept that personal development may be the only worthwhile
use you see for MoQ but I don't. Yes I am doing this for personal
development, but what should we do with our personal development, climb a
mountain and sit there looking smug?
I'm a lefty mate, I spend my time helping people less able to help
themselves than I am, I believe that's how the world should work, the strong
helping the weak, and that's what I'll do with a better understanding of the
That's also the slant that I bring to reading this work.So when I
recognize DQ I'll see it from my own perspective, it's only natural.
Now if this DG was only for Philosophology of Lila and ZMM and that we
could only talk about things that had actually come out of Pirsigs mouth,
Then I may well be in the wrong place, What you read was my interpretation
of what I read in Chapter 9. It actually touches me, "Dynamic Quality is the
pre-intellectual cutting edge of reality, the source of all things,
completely simple and always new". I can see it, I can identify
pre-intellectual experiences. Now you could choose to disagree with me on
that, I'd be fine with that, but it's my reality not yours.I appreciate the
opportuntity to expand my understanding of Quality.
Do you think DQ is more important than SQ? I don't think I do.
John from The Rock
----- Original Message -----
From: "Platt Holden" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:42 AM
Subject: Re: MD DQ people
> Hi John:
> > The metaphor I thought of while climbing The Rock this morning was
> > people escaping from a sinking ship. In the life raft you already
> > the social and biological elites, but the people with innate DQ
> > turn around and offer a hand to those still on the sinking ship,
> > the first people to be helped will most likely run to the front of
> > life raft and catch there breath and thank god they've been saved.
> > still on the boat are the DQ people from the middle and Lower
> > encouraging those who have lost hope to give it one last effort, to
> > reach out to the offered hand.
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