Re: MD Where does quality reside?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Tue Nov 02 2004 - 12:01:15 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD On Faith"

    Hi MSH,

    > msh says:
    > Hi Sam. You may be right, about our measure of agreement. However,
    > In doing my homework on Witt, I was tickled to be reminded that he, a
    > closet Catholic, was a student of Bertrand (Why I Am Not A Christian)
    > Russell's. Its interesting that Witt is your favorite philosopher
    > and Russell is mine.

    I'm surprised and intrigued to find a living fan of Bertrand Russell. What do you like about him?

    As it happens his book you reference made a big impact on me when I was a teenager, but that was
    before I discovered LW (and God). Not sure you're accurate in saying LW was a closet catholic
    though. There are some fairly clear instances where he distances himself from religious faith ("I am
    not a religious person but I can't help seeing everything from a religious point of view" being
    probably the most famous).

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