Re: MD Where does quality reside?

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Nov 02 2004 - 12:47:13 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD On Faith"

    Hi David M,

    > I agree, DQ never seems to be satisfied with
    > the quality that is ready to hand, it seeks out
    > and creates higher quality, sometimes failing
    > and destroying the quality it had in its hand.
    > Maybe the motto for DQ is better the pretty bird
    > in the tree top than the not so pretty bird in the hand.
    > I think there is a turning point in the process of the
    > creation of SQ by DQ as discussed in my essay about
    > AM Young. If DQ starts off as free/nothing and
    > produces a cosmos full of SQ it sort of binds/traps
    > itself as indicated in many myths. SQ would seem to
    > be a restriction/limitation so you would expect it
    > to eventually reach a dead end in inert/trapped/bound matter.
    > The rebound, I suggest, is life. I would define life as being
    > the activity of DQ to escape the bondage of matter and regain
    > its freedom in a realised cosmos. The inorganic level contains a
    > story (and more levels I think) about freedom (DQ) becoming bound
    > in matter, the next three levels are a story/evolution from restriction to
    > freedom. How does that sound?
    Sounds good to me! Plus, you've expressed your thoughts clearly and
    succinctly -- a wonderful example of "economy of explanation." Love your
    metaphor of a "pretty bird in the tree top."


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