Re: MD On Faith

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Thu Nov 04 2004 - 15:58:30 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Moral values in the election"


    > What is your objection to a secular view?

    That it doesn't recognize non-empirical reality, that as a result it is
    depraved (what Buddhists call fundamental ignorance, Christians call
    original sin, and what I tend to call original insanity). We know something
    is fundamentally wrong with us, but the secular viewpoint only offers drugs
    to mask that wrongness, not cure it: material success, sports, TV, etc.

    > You've previously stated that you tossed away your old Christian beliefs,
    > and later gained a new understanding. Shouldn't all of Christendom toss
    > away their old, outdated beliefs to allow a new understanding to dawn
    > within?

    I think they should all question their beliefs. I don't expect them all to
    just toss them, though -- that's probably asking too much of human nature.
    When I tossed them I was 14, and thought I was being clever. I later
    realized that I wasn't, that what I was tossing was a caricature of
    Christianity, and that there was something of great value that I had
    missed. By the time I had realized this, though, I had learned to live
    without the surrounding ritual and whatnot. I see no problem with living
    with the ritual, as long as one recognizes it for what it is -- a way to
    keep oneself focused.

    > How long, do tell, do you think it will take the Christian establishment
    > actually encourage it's followers to actually think for
    > themselves? Another two thousand years?

    I think it will be less than that, like a hundred or so, though of course I
    am just guessing. But I see the current situation as rapidly (by historical
    measures) reaching a climax, with the modern, secular view drowning in its
    contradictions. And whether it is the Christian establishment that does the
    encouraging, or whether it comes from the grass roots, I have no idea.
    There are several "Christian establishments" after all, and I don't expect
    them all, or even most, to be in the vanguard. I also have no idea whether
    what results will be recognizably Christian.

    > BTW Did you read Karen Armstrong's 'The Gospel According To Woman:
    > Christianity's Creation of the Sex War in the West'?

    No. I have read her History of God, which I liked. I'll keep an eye out for

    - Scott

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