Re: MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible

From: Erin (
Date: Fri Nov 05 2004 - 14:42:22 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD terror & religion"

    Okay but first for those who know the Bible well I have a question. I heard in a talk, it was about research about the God concept (sidequestion, is that empirical msh?), that somebody asked doesn't it change from old testament to new testament. Again this is more asking for those who actually know the Bible a lot better than me is there a fundamental division related to old testament and new testament?
    Steve Peterson <> wrote:
    Hi all,

    Like Platt, I am also very interested in how morality has influenced
    the election. Since reading Lila, I have long thought that the
    Democrats were making a huge mistake by shying away from use of the
    terms "morality" and "values." Liberals have failed to articulate
    their moral view. They have tended to cringe at the sound of these
    words and allowed the Republicans to seize the terms of debate that
    were perhaps the most important in deciding the election.

    It has often been said that the US has a Judeo-Christian value system
    based on the Bible. I'm interested in exploring whether the
    conservative or liberal agenda actually has more Biblical support.

    Your thoughts would be appreciated, especially those supported by
    Biblical quotes.


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