Re: MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Nov 06 2004 - 03:19:01 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible"

    On 5 Nov 2004 at 17:25, Scott Roberts wrote:
    I agree with Platt on this. The Caesar quote says nothing about
    encouraging his followers to impose taxes, just to pay them, not to
    impose law but to obey the law, and not mix up God's things with
    Caesar's. To give out of the goodness of one's heart is one thing, to
    take from the rich to give to the poor is another. It is one own's
    wealth that one is to give away, not someone else's.

    msh says:
    Scott, I gotta tell ya, I had to read this post three times to make
    sure it was written by the same guy with whom I've been discussing
    the relative merits of the MOQ and MOC. It is astonishing to me that
    someone so comfortable on Level IV can be so naïve or self-deluded
    about what goes on at Level III. Wealth is and always has been
    accumulated and held by VIOLENCE, through conquest followed by
    slavery, then enforced with violence as needed through various
    controlled elements of political power. We are seeing it happen at
    this instant, as American forces begin their slaughter of Iraqis in

    I am more than confident I can defend anything I've said here, and
    will take it up with you in another thread if you like. If not,
    Dude, stick to Level IV.

    scott continues:
    Basically, I think Jesus would be apolitical. Work on oneself, and
    help your neighbor (who is anyone you run across that needs help),
    rather than try to fix things through politics, as in "And why
    beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest
    not the beam that is in thine own eye?" (Luke 6:41)

    msh says:
    The idea expressed here is precisely what Freud meant when he said
    religion is the opiate of the masses. Don't try to fix things
    through politics; the people who are running things know best: let
    them handle it. Scott, I'm gonna be depressed for the rest of the
    evening... say it ain't so.... :-(

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
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