MD Morals and The Theory of Justice

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Nov 06 2004 - 14:35:32 GMT

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible"

    Hi Platt,

    I changed the subject, because we're getting away from Bible quotes
    and morality. Don't know if you really want to go round THIS block

    platt said:
    Rawl's theory treats individuals as means to the ends of others.
    Political freedom depends on treating individuals as ends in
    themselves. Rawl's theory if applied was devastatingly portrayed in
    Orwell's "Animal Farm"

    msh says:

    I'll just bait you by saying that it sounds like you've read as much
    Rawls as you have Chomsky, or Orwell for that matter. ;-)

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    On 6 Nov 2004 at 8:31, Platt Holden wrote:

    msh wrote:

    > Modern Socialism is a reaction to the obvious inequities . . .

    What's immoral about "inequities?"

    >. . . caused by a
    > socio-economic system whose main premise seems to be: "It's
    > perfectly ok (moral) for one person to own everything."

    The main premise is "It's OK for a person to keep what he has
    rightfully earned in a free market."

    > Progressive taxation is one
    > tool for undoing an injustice.

    What's the injustice?

    > My guess is... Set your system up right in the first place, maybe
    > incorporating some of the Christian ideas quoted here and ideas
    > ParEcon (Participatory Economics), as well as John Rawls' Theory
    > Justice, and you'll be able to nip potential injustices in the

    Rawl's theory treats individuals as means to the ends of others.
    Political freedom depends on treating individuals as ends in
    themselves. Rawl's theory if applied was devastatingly portrayed in
    Orwell's "Animal Farm"


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