From: Sam Norton (
Date: Tue Nov 09 2004 - 12:06:55 GMT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Norton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible
> Hi Steve,
> > It has often been said that the US has a Judeo-Christian value system
> > based on the Bible. I'm interested in exploring whether the
> > conservative or liberal agenda actually has more Biblical support.
> >
> > Your thoughts would be appreciated, especially those supported by
> > Biblical quotes.
> A brief comeback on this. To my mind the overwhelming teaching of Judeo-Christian morality derives
> from the prophetic strand of teaching, which centres on two things (I'm summarising, but hopefully
> not in a distorting way):
> 1. the right worship of God, 2. the right relation between members of society. That last is taken
> in the form of a great condemnation of 'social exclusion', ie when people are deprived of the
> ability to participate in a society. I can give you various quotes to back this up if you like,
> I'd be pretty confident that if you opened up a Bible at random, there would be something relating
> to this theme.
> It seems to me that any political platform that claims to be Christian has to give a prominent
> to that 'theme' from the Bible, and a platform which doesn't do so has no claim to the
> However, that doesn't, for me, resolve the left/right issue. Once you accept that social exclusion
> must be overcome, you then get the more technical discussion about how best to overcome it, and
> then get the political arguments between left and right about the relative merits of the present
> dispensation. I think both state socialism and the unrestrained free market fail to ensure that
> there is no social exclusion, but the present system, whilst better than both of those, is still
> clearly in need of improvement.
> Regards
> Sam
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