Re: MD Empiricism

From: David Morey (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 15:38:44 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD Empiricism"

    DMB: Any metaphysics will divide the undivided and
    there's no getting around it.

    DM: But is there also division before intellect brings its own
    version of division into play, a division that has added
    complexity to the original & still underlying unity?
    I think yes. Long before the forth level the inorganic
    divided into different particles with different sets of SQ,
    and life produced new divisiosn, and the cell divides itself,
    etc. Now there is no self-reflective intellect to admire
    all this wonder until nature opens her 'eyes' with man,
    as Schelling says, but the differentiation has a long
    pre-reflective history. How has such differentiating occurred,
    well like the early Greek Scott sees agency as work in
    nature as a whole rather than in just life as per SOM.
    But agency means choice, and choice requires value, and
    valued agency implies intellect of a different form. I think therefore
    when Pirsig says pre-intellectual, he says pre-4th level intellect
    to recognise the differentiating wholeness of dynamic Quality
    with all its agentive powers that we merely share a taste of
    at the highly differentiated 4th level.


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