Re: MD Empiricism

Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 23:28:31 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "RE: MD Empiricism"

    In a message dated 11/21/2004 4:49:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

    I do not see a separation between the church and Christianity, even if
    there is a variety of practices. You tell me, what makes a person a
    Christian? Who teaches Christian beliefs? How long would Christianity,
    as a system of belief, survive without the church?

    I believe you CAN separate Christianity from the church, as you can separate
    embracing patterns of thought while rejecting the schools that first taught
    them (you could have something to add to their initial theory, which they
    reject). One could argue that Christianity existed before the Christian church
    did. Those who we now label as the first Christians, did not even call
    themselves "Christians" (that was a term that, for all practical purposes, evolved
    into existence, in much the way nations like France evolved into existence).
    I've always rejected the line of thinking that says you can't deviate from
    agreed-upon (official) definitions found in dictionaries, especially when
    thinking in theoretical terms. An "inch" doesn't exist in reality--people have
    agreed how much is an inch, as with weight. Stories exist...before the books
    record them...and after the books are burned. That is the truth.

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