RE: MD Empiricism

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Wed Nov 24 2004 - 06:15:08 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD People and Value in the MOQ"


    Scott said:" The idea that experience before we think about it is undivided
    is absurd. If there is anything at all, there is division."

    [Rich:] What's so absurd about it? It's simply an assumption and there is no empirical reason to disconfirm it. I'm with Simon and DMB on this and I think you simply aren't prepared for the premises of the MOQ, which is that pure experience occurs prior to subjects and objects. In fact Quality creates them. Until you accept this you are barking up the wrong metaphysics. We here believe in different assumptions from you and the populist beliefs of the SOM at large, and the result is uncalculibly more harmonious. Let's get with the program, Scott, and stop trying to tell us the MOQ says different.

    [Scott:] If I sit on a hot stove, there is an experience of pain, not pleasure. That is a division that exists before I think about it, and it is because that division exists that my biological SQ will cause a reflex to get me off the stove before any thinking occurs. If I think "that is painful", that is a further division. It is not the first division. That is all I am saying.

    I have stated repeatedly that I agree that Quality creates the subject and object in an experience, and I have not denied that there is experience that is not S/O -- whatever experience an amoeba may have, for example. But there must be some distinction or there is no value. If B values pre-condition A, then is there not a distinction between A and not-A? I see no need to invoke something called "pure experience", so Occams's Razor should delete it from the MOQ. Try the experiment of seeing what is of value in the MOQ, and whether it depends on the concept of "pure experience". I don't see anything that does.

    - Scott

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