RE: MD New Level of Thinking

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Nov 29 2004 - 01:57:28 GMT

  • Next message: Erin: "RE: MD New Level of Thinking"

    On 28 Nov 2004 at 8:34, Scott Roberts wrote:

    The limits of ordinary logic were well known by Western philosophers
    even before Godel formalized it's basic contradiction.

    > > Godel didn't show it as being contradictory, only incomplete.

    > Godel showed it as being contradictory in proving there's no such
    > thing as proof.

    Well, no. It proves that there exist arithmetical statements that are
    true but unprovable, which means that arithmetic is incomplete. But
    there are an infinite number of provable arithmetic statements, such
    as "2+2=4" and "there is no greatest prime number." Godel's Theorem
    does not change their provability in the slightest.

    msh butts in:
    Give it up Scott. I explained all of this to Platt last month, or
    the month before. It doesn't matter. Once my friend Platt has
    commandeered and distorted an idea to fit his agenda, there is no
    turning back....

    Platt's of the philosophical school of "say something enough times,
    with conviction, and it becomes true." He'd make a great spokesman
    for the Bush administration... Or, the Fourth Reich, which won't be
    far behind...

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    Best to all,

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
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