From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 22:17:00 GMT
I doubt if you consider my comments "thoughtful," but I'll bite anyway.
It's been a slow day.
> >1. Capitalism gives people incentive to produce,
> >innovate, work, both monetarily and in class status.
> >Other systems do not and cannot produce good incentive.
> >(Is there any viable alternative source of incentives?)
> Is "capitalism" supposed to be something like the
> system in the US? Or Japan? Or...? If not, we are
> proceeding in outer space. If so, then it is unfair to
> say that the claims are unargued: they appear to be
> instantly refuted even by the most superficial
> examination. Has great science, art, music, etc., been
> produced by people working for money? (Followed by
a long diatribe about creative people working for reasons
other than money)
As usual Chomsky begins with a false premise, namely, that capitalism's
only concern is making money. It is one of the driving forces to be sure,
but not the only one. The major force is freedom to exchange one's goods
and services in an open market without interference by government thugs
wielding guns.
> >2. The classic - People vote with their dollars, what
> >they like they buy and thus those things are supported.
> Why do businesses spend hundreds of billions a year on
> advertising? Is it to develop the free markets of
> doctrine in which informed consumers make rational
> choices? Or is it to "create wants," to pursue what
> Adam Smith called the basic objective of "merchants and
> manufacturers": to "oppress" and "deceive" the public?
> All of this seems too obvious even to waste time
> discussing.
Two typical Chomsky tactics--slyly misquote and ignore context. Adam Smith
didn't say the "basic objective of . . ." His actual words were "generally
have an interest in . . ." Further, the context was that it was far less
dangerous to the free market to have businessmen pursue their interests
than to allow government to restrain competition.
> >3. Great intellectuals like Milton Friedman and Adam
> >Smith advocate capitalism, how could I challenge these
> >great minds?
> Let's put aside Friedman, out of politeness, and keep
> to Smith, a very important figure.
I don't know what to call this rude dismissal of a Noble Prize winner.
Chomsky chutzpah perhaps? Whatever, it's a slippery, mean-spirited dodge,
unworthy of high school freshman much less a college professor.
> >4. "All other systems that have been tried have
> >failed." (Russia, Cuba, this arguement is a joke.)
> Yes, a joke, and one in particularly poor taste. And
> capitalism hasn't failed?
What's funny or in poor taste about citing the millions slaughtered under
Communism? Oh, I forgot. Chomsky was an admirer of Mao and Ho Chi Min.
> >5. Capitalism is the only viable system, that's why
> >it's the only one that is still functioning.
> First, nothing remotely like capitalism exists. Is the
> US economy, relying crucially on the dynamic state
> sector, a capitalist economy?
Relying on a dynamic state sector? A "dynamic" state is an oxymoron if
ever I saw one. Ever try to mail a package or get a driver's license?
Static the state is, dynamic it ain't.
> >6. The competition inherent in capitalism creates
> >innovations and produces things that would not be
> >possible in other systems.
> Have a look at the actual history of innovation, as
> barely hinted above.
Yeah, take a look at U.S. and British innovation vs. rest o' world. I
mean, just look and be amazed. No need to cite all the inventions from the
light bulb to atomic energy.
Besides these obvious flaws in Chomsky's arguments, he sprinkles them with
condescending remarks such as, "is it even worth debating arbitrary
claims," "massively refuted by even the most casual observation, "too
obvious even too waste time discussing," "worshipping on the basis of
concocted mythology," and "This is beyond absurdity." Well, excuse me. Who
made you God, Chomsky? In my book, you've raised snake-oil selling to new
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