RE: MD Gardner on Pragmatism

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Sun Jan 26 2003 - 18:58:56 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Making sense of it (levels)"


    DMB said:
    He's only saying that metaphors are NEITHER facts NOR
    lies. He's saying that the believer and the atheist are equally mistaken
    about what a metaphor is. They are both taking the metaphor literally, which
    is to misunderstand metaphor as a form of expression.

    Yeah, I believe that's what I said when I said,
    "he's saying that believers think that metaphors have cognitive meaning
    (and are therefore important) and atheists don't think they have cognitive
    meaning (and are therefore unimportant). If what he means is something
    along the Davidsonian lines I drew above (which I think he might given "God
    is a metaphor for that which trancends all levels of intellectual
    thought."), then Campbell would say the fact/lie distinction should be
    blurred. Metaphors don't have cognitive meaning, but that doesn't mean they
    aren't important."

    DMB said:
    Huh? How in the world did you get from metaphors to metaphysics in a single
    sentence? Surely, they are two entirely different things.

    Like this,

    Erin said:
    Okay I am not completely understanding the idea
    that metaphysics suggests once you possess a word
    you are at the end of a quest.
    In thinking about something Campbell said about

    Ya' see, I was entering into dialogue with Erin, and she made a loose
    connection between Campbell on metaphors and pragmatists on metaphysics. I
    tried to add something. Apparently, I've failed again. Failed, failed,

    DMB said:
    If "Quality" and "Quality is reality" are metaphorical expressions, then
    they can't rightly be taken literally and so there is no "metaphysical chess
    piece". There is no reason to resist it, because it doesn't exist except in
    the minds of those who misunderstand it as a fact or a lie. It is neither,
    so there's no problem. See?

    Rrrrrright. Once again, that's why I said,
    "Pragmatists, as I've been presenting them, have no problem with the
    metaphor "Quality." They do have a problem with the degenerate activity
    that Pirsig calls the Metaphysics of Quality. "Quality is reality" is a
    metaphor because it doesn't make any literal sense. As soon as we
    literalize it, we hypostatize it as a metaphysical chess piece. I've been
    urging that we follow the pragmatists in resisting this."

    I'd try and write it slower, but it only depends on how fast you read it.
    What I said above was to imply that I think people are trying to literalize
    Quality when they create a Metaphysics of Quality. Which you yourself have
    said is bad, though, presumably you don't think the MoQ literalizes
    Quality. Obviously, from a close reading of what I have said, I apparently
    do think it does.

    But let me draw the lines clearer:

    DMB doesn't think the MoQ literalizes Quality.

    Matt does think the MoQ literalizes Quality.


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