Re: MD The Quality of Capitalism?

From: ml (
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 15:58:32 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: Ham; Re: MD Is Morality Relative?"

    I opine...

    As Chomsky is obviously busy
    and not really of interest re MoQ,
    but just a celebrity with opinions,
    I am not sure we should bother
    him at all.
    If he is engaging or seeking to
    engage in furthering MoQ, then
    sure, by all means, but to just
    bring him in to further discussions
    of a "culture war" subject is a waste
    of his time and ours...

    Surely he would be happy to have
    a forum that would bask in the glory
    of his presence, but he may have
    nothing truly original to add.

    On the whole, I think others on
    this list are truly better thinkers in
    the MoQ realm than NC...their posts
    are more insightful than what I've seen
    in the Chomsky books that are "non
    language subject" related books.

    Outside his specialty, he is unremarkable.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Sam Norton" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 2:53 AM
    Subject: Re: MD The Quality of Capitalism?

    > Hi MSH, Platt, Mel,
    > I'm working on a more substantive response for this thread (as time
    permits) but one point needed a
    > quick response: I don't think we should shoot off questions for
    clarification to Chomsky
    > willy-nilly. If nothing else, let's see if we can't get somewhere between
    ourselves, if not in
    > attaining agreement, at least in attaining clarity about what is at issue.
    And I'm a little
    > suspicious of Chomsky becoming a papal figure. "If you meet the Buddha on
    the road, kill him" and
    > all that.
    > Regards
    > Sam
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