Re: MD Understanding Quality And Power

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Fri Dec 17 2004 - 15:43:29 GMT

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Biological - Terrorism?"

    Hi Sam,

    Just received (0720 PST) your response to my attempt to refute the
    now famous Norton 8-Prong. Before we get further into the
    legalities, I think we can save a lot of time if I can get an answer
    to the following:

    Would you agree, given the clear history of US violations of
    International Law whenever IL "got in the way" of US realpolitik,
    that any US pose as defenders of IL is absurd?

    If so, how can you believe your own claim that the US worked in good
    faith within the framework of International Law at arriving at it's
    "conclusion" that IL had failed?

    My point is, the decision to invade Iraq had been made SIX MONTHS
    before it occurred, as this much time was necessary to move resources
    into position. My point is they had no attention of following IL,
    regardless of how pristine the protocol. Do you REALLY believe they
    would not have invaded if the SC had vetoed the US resolution? It
    seems to me, If they were at all concerned with following IL, they
    would have let the veto occur and then cite it as more evidence of
    their position that IL had failed, and make such an argument WITHIN
    the accepted framework.

    More later,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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