RE: MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Dec 27 2004 - 02:46:52 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?"

    msh asked:
    So, some questions: do any human beings live a more or less normal
    life-span, and NOT have several mystical experiences? Is mystical
    revelation the rule or the exception, OR the sine qua non, of being
    human? Is a mystical experience something more than briefly "seeing"
    that reality is undivided, seeing the veins in a flower and knowing
    they are yours? Knowing that killing anything is killing a part of
    yourself? Touching the bark of a tree and touching one's own skin,
    and knowing that what you touch are one and the same? That is,
    what's the difference between a "Mystic" and me?

    dmb says:
    Well I'm not sure, but it seems that there is a tendency to confuse the
    surface beauty of things with more penetrating visions. You've managed to
    escape the cliches with your portrait of seeing and knowing and touching
    some of nature's beauty and form, but maybe that's just because you have
    some imagination and you're not really going beyond the surface of things
    after all. I really don't know. But it seems to me that there is no doubt
    among people who have had the kind of experience that philosophical
    mysticism describes. One might not understand it or know what to do with it,
    but they have no doubt that something has definately happened to them.

    "When the doors of perception are cleansed, everything will appear to man as
    it truely is; infinite"

    "To see the world in just one grain of sand"

    One of the ways you can tell that you're dealing with the pronouncements of
    a mystic instead of the plattitudes of Hallmark is that the former are weird
    and disconcerting while the latter are conventional and comforting.

    "The kingdom is heaven is as a mustard seed."

    "In my father's house are many mansions."


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