Re: MD "Is there anything out there?"

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 13:51:37 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD "Is there anything out there?""


    > But Platt,
    > Why is this the question ? "Why the connection, other than - It works."
    > What is wrong with the answer "because the numbers, patterns statistical
    > correlations etc in the processes happen to fit."

    Because the answer is a cop out. It's like the answer most scientists give
    to the question, "Why is there something rather than nothing?" Their
    answer is the universe just happened, there's no reason for it, it's all
    just chance and randomness. As Wilber says, this is a philosophy of
    "oops," and amounts to the answer, "Don't ask."

    If you're satisfied with such an answer, fine. I'm not.

    > Whilst the anthropomorphic words like "preference" are useful metaphors why
    > does there have to be a sentient purpose being behind the reason "why"
    I think we've been around this barn before. Not all "why" questions
    presuppose sentient purpose as you seem to believe. "Why is the sky blue?"
    has a rational, scientific answer that doesn't cover up a hidden
    assumption that God had something to do with it. As Ham has pointed out,
    you and others on this site appear hypersensitive to any suggestion, no
    matter how oblique, to the G-word. "Hypersensitive" is a Ham's polite way
    to put it. I call it paranoia.

    Science types like to picture themselves as open-minded, but any hint of
    the supernatural closes down their minds a flash. Fortunately, there are a
    few scientists who are willing to entertain ideas like cosmic
    consciousness and mind over matter. Those are the pioneers, the ones I
    admire most.


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